chapter 3

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The store was not huge, but at the same time, it wasn't small. There were about 25- 30 civilians present inside including me and Kageyama. Along with that, there were 4 masked men present who were loaded with weaponry.

"Sit down brat!" One of the masked men yelled, pushing Kageyama down on the floor. He didn't say anything in return, just kept a monotonous face on.

The men had gathered everyone in the store and made them sit down on the floor to keep an eye on them. They had also confiscated the civilian's belongings and for right now, they were stealing money from the billing counters.

I could see people crying and praying for a hero to show up. I quietly crawled toward the boy I was familiar with.

"Are you okay?" I ask the boy making myself comfortable next to him.

"Yeah. What about you, you seem awfully calm." He whispers back, keeping an eye on the robbers, making sure they don't hear us talking.

"Oh, it's because these people don't look professional, although they don't show it that very clearly, they are scared, probably their first or second time at the job. They don't look tough either, they would be good practice."

"Damn it, if only I had a hero license, I would've been legally allowed to fight back." I'm sure Kageyama felt wrong because he thinks he's helpless here. He would have to resist the urge to use his quirk until it is the last resort.

"I think you got the law a bit wrong there, Kageyama," I chuckle, slightly stretching out my arms.

"You cannot use your quirk in public. That's the rule, isn't it? Nowhere it is written that you can't defend yourself against people like them." I get up from the ground.

"Hey!" I yell at the masked men as everyone's attention goes to me. "What the hell do you want?!" One of them starts walking in my direction.

"Akane! Sit back down." Kageyama yells at me. I ignore him. I start to move away from everyone.

"You asked me today to prove myself, right? Well, now you'll see what happens when you underestimate quirkless, Kageyama." I say in a casual tone. I do sprinkle a bit of pride on it.

"This is not the time to think of that! When I said to prove yourself I didn't mean to go head-on against some thieves, this is dangerous!"

"Chill out and watch." I walk right in front of one of the robbers who is now towering over me, not that I'm the least bit intimidated.

"What?! You wanna die?" The guy snarls, removing a gun from his back pocket and pushing it into my forehead. Everyone around gasped, although I didn't flinch, "Eh no, not really."

I clasp his right wrist before kneeing him in the gut making the man drop his gun. I then kick him hard and before he can stumble back I grab the back of his head and punch his neck hard, making the man lose consciousness. The whole process hardly took 6 seconds.

Silence fills the room as the man falls with a thud. I bend down and pick up the gun beside him. "Kageyama look. This is not even a real gun, it's a toy." I say, examining it.

Still, silence, nothing but pure shock plastered over everyone's face. That was until the thieves finally snapped out of their trance.

"Get her!" I heard one of them yell as all of them started running in my direction. He activated his quirk as I narrowed my eyes at him.

Alright, what do we have here? I see his feet elongate. A guy with a foot elongate quirk?

In almost no time the man reaches where I am with his long legs as he tries to punch me. My good reflexes quickly dodge although I fail to notice the kick from now a huge leg comes in my way and I get hit by it and slam into the wall behind me.

The Path of Being a Hero : Dabi's Daughter حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن