chapter 21

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The Next Day


Stain and Toga are busy today and hence the VA is closed. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of VA anything is better than being locked in a room until someone gets you something to eat. I remember how claustrophobic it used to be for me before Dabi installed the window. Is it the same for the other kids too?

Flashback: Yesterday

"Look above you."

A boy from my class. Rintaro Suna, I believe. He jumps down from the branch of the tree next to us. I prepare myself. There's a high chance that he'll try to rat me out to the villains. Maybe I can knock him out. It can be enough of a distraction for me to get Shoyo to escape right? Ah shit, why am I so careless?

The boy takes a step back in response to mine. He puts his hands up in response. "Did you hear everything?" "Most of it." "Are you going to tell on me?" He doesn't reply for a good one minute. I prepare my fists till he replies with a laid-back 'no'.


"When I signed up for this I don't think I quite understood what I was getting into. What I had been told was that if I passed I would get a spot in the higher-ups of the villain ranks. Honestly, I don't care for either villains or heroes. I'm just trying to make a decent living out of here and being in the top ranks is a good way towards it. Although clearly, they failed to convey the lack of freedom I'll be getting here and it's quite troublesome and boring. So I'll help you." He lets his hand out to me. I take a moment letting his words sink in. It amuses me how different everyone here is. I shake his hand in agreement when he pulls me towards him.

"Drop the tangerine he'll only turn out to be a liability." He whispers into my ear. "It's either with him or without you, choose now Fox boy," I whisper back. He lets go of my hands and lets out a chuckle. "Aren't you an interesting one? Please tell me your grand escape plan."

"Well um, I honestly haven't put much thought into this but if the building's blueprint is exactly how I remember my first time then I think with the help of all our quirks I can get us an escape. I know the routes outside well enough and I think I can guide us to Musutafu. And now hearing about Shoyo's quirk we can also get the help of heroes to get everyone to safety."

"There are too many blind spots you aren't noticing here. For one, this isn't your first time escaping is it?"

"It isn't. Before this building was renovated into what it is right now I did try to escape. Although since I'm here, it did not quite work out."

"Was there more security then versus now?" "No."

"Could you use your quirk?" "Yes."

"Was your plan too easy to figure out?" "No."

"Did you make any mistakes?" "No."

"Was it only you back then?" "Yes."

"This plan is doomed to fail." "That's not true, it was only me back then-

"Exactly. A less secure place with only you and your quirk and you failed. Yet you expect me to believe you can carry out a mission where you want to escape with 19 other kids, including the ones willingly here? You expect that to work?"

"Hey now hold on- that can't be right, I'm sure we can work something out

"Shoyo, no he's right." I stop Shoyo. I've been too endorsed in the idea of escaping. I think I needed this reality check. But still, there has to be a way. Fox boy sighs and holds up two fingers. "There are two ways you can go through this. One, wait for these villains to give us the green light and let us out themselves. It's bound to happen sometime, we are no prisoners. Although this will include numerous black swans and patience, it can be a month, it can be a year but it will be time-consuming. Or, you can figure out 'the black swan' that hindered your last escape and only then I'll allow and help you to create a better plan to escape. Your choice, Shortie."

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