chapter 1

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6 Years Later


"Kei I'm leaving!" I announce, grabbing my bag.

"I can drop you." Keigo yawns coming from his bedroom. His hair looks all fuzzy and his eyes seem sleepy.

"Ah no thank you I have a friend waiting for me outside." I stuff bread in my mouth and take off.

"Alright bye." Hawks waves at my leaving body. "I should probably get ready for work too." I hear him mumble to himself.

I ran outside of the house to recognize my favorite chocolate-eyed boy waiting for me at the entrance.

"Sorry, I'm a little late, Oikawa." I apologize as we start walking.

"Y/n, I've been waiting for 10 minutes, we'll be late to school again. I should probably start going to school by myself if you're going to be late every day." Okay, I may have a bit of a habit of being unpunctual, which is why I am used to getting into trouble often in school.

"Sorry, it won't happen again I promise. By the way, did you check out the new episode of Alien Education?" Oikawa's eyes brighten hearing the name of his favourite show. "Yeah! It was so great! I mean-" Oikawa keeps blabbering about the show as I sigh in relief. Thank God he's not mad anymore.

Soon we reach school and go to our classrooms.

"Akane, you're late, again." The teacher proclaims sitting at her desk, going through a few papers.

"Sorry, sorry, it won't happen again."

"I hear you say that every day Akane, try doing it for once." The teacher let out a visible sigh. "Anyways take a seat, I've something to discuss with the class."

"Right." I take my seat at the back of the class. As I sat down I noticed some writing on my desk.

Come to the volleyball court after school.

"Alright class listen up. Right now you'll be given a form in which you have to write your future career goals. You have to fill it in by the end of the class." The teacher hands out the forms. I take a quick look at the questions.

1. What career are you planning to choose?
2. What is your backup career?
3. What school are you planning to go to after middle school?
4. What is your quirk?
5. Is your quirk useful to your job in any way?

Alright, pretty easy. I thought and started writing my replies.

1. Hero
2. Probably a Police job
3. UA

What should I write for the fourth and fifth ones though? N/A? No, I should be more specific.
I swear to be quirkless is such a pain sometimes.

4. Quirkless
5. - (Eh nope.)

Alright, this works. The teacher collected the forms. She went through the bunch of papers and her expression seemed intrigued. "You know, in the past year more than 60 percent of the children in our school were interested in being in the hero industry, now I only see two kids from our class who want anything to do with that. Why so?"

A girl with blonde hair hesitantly raised her hand. "I think it's because of the Hero Killer Stain." She replied as the whole class went into silence.

The Path of Being a Hero : Dabi's Daughter Where stories live. Discover now