chapter 30

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If I'm being honest, I did have the tiniest glimpse of my quirk left inside me. I knew that the second I got my warning the darkness betrayed me. I was left with two choices. Either try to fight them again, even when I'm surrounded, or speak to him. I wasn't the type to not fight till my last breath, but honestly, I think I took my last breath two breaths ago.

"Hey Kei."

"Y/n? Y/n! Fuck where are you?! How are you?! How are you even contacting me like this?! Fuck tell me later, I knew Oikawa was right! Where are you, I'll come get you-"

"Gosh, shut up for a second will you," I suck in a harsh breath. I feel like tearing up. I missed him so-so much. "I wish I could've contacted you sooner, I miss you so much. You were the best father I could've ever had. I will always cherish everything you gave me. You protected me, treated me like I'm your real daughter, I ah- love you, Kei."

"Y/n where are you- why are you saying all that-"

"Just say it back dummy! Please."

"I love you too Y/n, I really do."

"Good, as you should haha, ...thank you Kei, for everything."

"Y/n what are you-"

I close my eyes. Talk about sad endings. "Dabi you weren't my most favorite person but I'm glad I got to know you before this," I whisper to him as I slam a barrier down on the ground right where I'm sitting. The floor beneath me shatters as I feel myself free-falling in the wind. Dying like this isn't so bad. The floor beneath me has also fallen so I'm going straight to the ground. Nothing out of the expected though. I knew this was coming, I mean, me versus the League? I knew how it was going to end and so did Suna when he warned me of it two days ago. Nonetheless, I am ready.

Dabi looks down at me with a horrified look on his face. I know he wants to save me, but even so, he knows it's impossible now. I feel a couple of tears spill from my eyes as I aim my last attack, flames bigger than ever before towards the area where I had Stain, Toga, and Compress. Honestly, these huge flames are the closest I'll ever be to Flashfire Fist. I launch it, as the mere force from it propels me faster towards the ground. In a matter of seconds, my life flashes through my eyes as my back hits the ground.

I don't feel the pain anymore, my body only feels numb and tired. I close my eyes knowing this will be the last time I'll be closing them again. Life was good, right? Ending it so soon wasn't the plan but it's okay. I am damn sure I took down at least two more so the flex of defeating four villains from the League doesn't sound so shabby.

Life was great, it really was.

Deku POV

It is still not possible to believe that a 15-year-old was able to orchestrate this huge plan. While me and my classmates did have a crazy couple of high school years but it is nothing compared to this. She is dealing with things she shouldn't have to. I don't even understand how she managed all this. All Kacchan was told was to save everyone in the Prison Centre.

We had a plan to do that eventually, although we knew it would be difficult considering the League would be a huge issue. I don't know what that girl did, but the League is nowhere to be found. I'm sure they got the news of our arrival. And we didn't go to the third floor, Shouto saved everyone from the third floor himself so we didn't need to. I won't lie, I was a bit surprised to see him alive considering the announcement Shigaraki made but I was glad to see him. Yaoyorozu took him back to give him the immediate medical attention he needed.

We are done here, finally. Everyone has been escorted to safety. We are not taking in any villains, it would not be possible with our current reinforcements.

"Has she contacted you again?" I ask Kacchan.

"No, what is she doing? How else am I supposed to let her know we're done?!" He is worried about her. I have known Kacchan long enough to tell. She didn't tell us where she was, all she told us was to get Kurogiri and the other girl's marbles. I am going to need a lot of answers once we all get out of this mess.

We are on the first floor, the second floor was left destroyed and I hear a sudden crack coming from somewhere on the third floor. I'm confused, no one else is up there anymore, Shouto said he saved everyone.

I feel my body freeze seeing a girl falling from above. She is heavily injured and she has a sword stabbed through her. Stain's sword. What has she done? "Kacchan...? Is that Y/n?"

Kacchan's eyes widened as well. "That's... her." My legs move by themselves. Even with my speed, I can barely reach in time to save her. I can do it, I have to do it. She cannot die like this. She doesn't deserve death. Her eyes were closed and I thought she was unconscious. I don't realize she isn't until her hand aims somewhere above her and she lets out an immense amount of blue flames upwards. They are almost as big as Shouto's. The sheer force from the fire propels her towards the ground faster as I fail. She falls to the ground with a thud and I'm left standing there staring at her limp body.

No, she's not dead. She can't die like this. Kacchan reaches up to me. He crouches down and picks up her wrist. We both notice the red marks of another hand already present there. "There's a...small pulse. She's not dead, yet. Although this can't be healed by regular doctors we need to take her to Recovery Girl, fast." Back in Musutafu. He's right. There's no one else right now, here, who can save her.

"What happened to Y/n?!" A boy runs up to us. He looks about 16 or 17 years old. His hand proceeds to touch her but I block it. "Who are you?" I ask. "I'm Y/n's... friend. Shit, you have to save her!" I don't question how he got here, that's not important right now.

"Her hand twitched. She is waking up." As Kacchan said, her eyes opened up in the slightest. She tries to get up but Kacchan stops her. "Don't move, you'll hurt yourself more." She doesn't listen to him. She doesn't give up. The other boy crouches down next to her as well and flicks her forehead. "Stay down Princess, you've done enough." Her head slightly turns toward him. "You- others- are- they- safe?" She's having trouble speaking and is is still worried about others. Reminds me of the old times.

"Yeah everything is good there, what the hell did you do to yourself?" She smiles as her eyes close again. "Her pulse is stopping." No-no this can't be happening. "Come on Princess, don't give up now!" The boy yells. I picked her up quickly.

"Not going to be- nuisance- now..." She says as her body goes fully limp in my arms. No no no- I won't let her die. I am running as fast as I can. I can't feel her heartbeat.

She gave her all, to help others.

A true symbol of a hero.


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