Chapter 19 : "Sleeping Beauties"

Start from the beginning

I'm just going to have to worry about myself. Worry about the fact that I think my past is catching up to me. That everything I've been trying so hard to forget is right behind me. The burning feeling of depression was basically suffocating me. All of my memories of the last couple years have been rushing back to me. That would have to be the worst part, remembering everything in such brilliant detail. The way my brother looked when he was wheeled away, my mother's distant features, and the sterile room I had stayed in for months or maybe even a year until I was declared stable.

Everything was beginning to run together.

"Harmony? You coming?" Louis called to me as he stepped out of the van. I nodded in reply and grabbed for his outstretched hand. We were welcomed by thunderous screams all around. There were so many people shouting towards the boys and they didn't even seem fazed. I didn't really mind it much besides the headache I would for sure have afterwards. Well, I didn't mind it until I heard this.

"Crazy freak." Those two words had managed to sneak their way through the incredible noise of all the screams. It caused my stride to come to an immediate halt and I searched the many faces of distraught pubescent girls. A few girls noticed my confused and hurt expression, but most still had their eyes on the five attractive boys in front of them. Louis noted my expression but didn't say anything. He simply wrapped his arm around my shoulders and sped up our pace towards the building.

Once inside and away from all the yelling, Louis turned to me. He brought his hands up to hold my face. "What happened?" Louis inquired sternly. His blue eyes cold with concern.

I numbly shook my head. "Nothing. It's fine. I think I'm hearing things." Trying to brush the terrible feeling bubbling inside my stomach with a laugh.

Louis didn't buy it for a second. He let go of my face and moved away from me swiftly. I was left with the other boys staring incredulously after Louis.

"What just happened, Harmony?" Liam inquired, his brown eyes confused. If the situation had been different, I probably would have commented on his puppy-like features. But I knew they were already on edge about me being here, so I kept my fake smile.

"Nothing. Everything is alright." I reassured maybe a little too cheerily because I could feel a pair of green, blue, and brown eyes staring me down curiously. But I turned before any more questions could be asked making my way in the direction Louis took off.

Sadly, that's how the next couple day's had gone. Maybe not in that same exact way but pretty close.

We'd get up early, drive in silence to the next interview or event, be shouted out by crazed teenaged fans, and stalk off to the interview. Each day I'd hear rather rude things being shouted towards me. I now understood what Danielle had gone through back when she broke up with Liam. It was insane and very hurtful, but I kept my head held high while I was in front of them and Louis. Not wanting anyone to think little of me, I pretended that I didn't hear any of it.

But if the hate from One Direction's fans wasn't enough, the interviewers had begun bringing me up in their conversations with the boys. I stood to the edge of where they were having the interviews and would listen to what they had to say. Louis honestly handled it very well, and I applauded him for it. It sort of made me realize something that I should have realized a while ago.

He was genuinely sweet, caring, and funny. Louis was basically all I could see. I've known that I had feeling for him and that scared me. Scared me to death. But I could care less about those fears with him beside me. My feelings were stronger than this paralyzing fear I'd been keeping myself hidden under for so long.

But as I stood to the side watching yet another interview begin I quickly understood that I might be too late. Louis had been distant lately and I knew it was because I wasn't willing to let him in. I wasn't willing to tell him what was wrong. I should have told him everything when I had the chance.

"So boys, how are you enjoying America?" The gorgeous, blonde interviewer, Kyra, began. Every interview the boys went to started that way and they had this answer down.

"It's great. We always have an amazing time when ever we come to America." Liam answered without missing a beat and smiling warmly. Kyra nodded her head thoughtfully and shuffled the cards she was holding.

"We've all seen a few pictures of your time here, let's talk about a few of them." She stated with her gleaming white teeth showing proudly. Pointing towards the screen, she showed a picture of Niall and Liam holding a rather large teddy bear.

"Now tell me the story behind this." Kyra requested with a laugh.

Niall laughed one of his famous loud laughs and Liam merely chuckled. After Niall had scratched the back of his head awkwardly, he went to answer.

"Uh, we were heading back to the hotel after getting something to eat and we ran into some fans. They gave the giant teddy bear to us. Not really sure on why they were carrying around a giant teddy bear but, you know." Niall explained still laughing to himself. Everyone else seemed to be having a good laugh. I couldn't help but join in on the fact of how odd the story was.

After everyone had quieted down and Kyra had their attention again, she turned back to the screen showing another picture. The picture currently on the screen was of Louis and I. We were on the farris wheel back when we went to the carnival. Both of us had beaming smiles and I began to smile at how happy we looked. I took in Louis and he had a smile playing on his thin lips too.

"Want to tell us what's going on here, Louis?" Kyra inquired with her eyes a little narrowed, hopefully out of curiosity. Louis caught onto the look being thrown his way.

"Harmony and I went on a date to the carnival." Louis stated simply with a proud smile. It was funny how I got butterflies from that smile even after seeing it so many times.

"Ah, Harmony." Kyra mussed. "Let's talk about her a little bit, shall we?"

With her question hanging in the air, I felt my stomach drop.

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