Izuku comes back with drinks and food in his hands as he makes his way back to his seat with the others. Thankfully he came back on time just for Midnight to call for Kat and Hitoshi to come out to the arena.

Denki pipes up from beside Izuku and asks "So who do you think will win?" Izuku thinks about it for a bit before laying out both the pros and cons for both. Midnight was going over the rules while they talked.

"Well Hitoshi is strong from quirkless matches and he knows how to get under people's skin and to get them to respond to him so he can use his quirk. He also has his scarf (I can't remember if I had him working with the scarf or not so I'm just saying he is using it.)

His scarf can be used for long distances and he knows how to fight really well in close proximity. So he has a high chance of winning." Izuku wraps up his talk about Hitoshi before starting on the one about Kat.

"However Kat has his explosions and they can be used in distance fighting and some close fighting. He has to be careful with that one though so it doesn't blast against himself. He is not blast proof sadly."

Izuku softly chuckles at the thought of Kat being blast proof and a bunch of images of Kat blasting himself up come to his mind. "Kat is also good at close combat fighting. He has been training since he was young to be a hero and he wasn't going to say no."

Izuku sighs softly before continuing as he sees both Hitoshi and Kat get ready to start the fight. "But one flaw he does have even if he's working on it is his anger issues. Say one wrong thing about something and he can combust. The good thing is is that he's been working on it a lot recently to help keep him calm more."

"Actually, they found out from a more in-depth look into his quirk that it was the extra exposure from the gasoline that was affecting his body and making him angrier because it was causing his body to go all wack for too long."

Izuku finishes just as the fight starts and Kat throws the first punch after launching himself at Hitoshi with an explosion. Not hearing a response right away causes Izuku to look at Denki. Denki on the other hand had a look of shock on his face while slightly dazed looking out in the arena.

"You ok Denki?" Izuku asked unsure of if he was ok or not. Denki had finally snapped out of it and looked at Izuku, "You are actually a genius you know that." Izuku shocked by the response only mutters a little not knowing what to say other than "What?"

"Yea, you are so good at like everything dude, you can read people so easily and always know what to do. You're great at every subject and on top of that I asked who you thought would win and you went on and told me all of their weaknesses and strengths with no afterthought."

Izuku looks at Denki before saying "You know I know I'm smart, but I don't think anyone has actually pointed it out like that.." Denki looks at the fight and then looks back at Izuku. "That makes sense honestly."

Izuku and Denki watch as Kat and Hitoshi throw fists and kicks. Hitoshi had tried many times to get Kat under his control, but Kat knew better than to respond to him. Kat had used his quirk quite a bit, but he had to stop when they started doing close fighting.

Hitoshi and Kat hit each other hard pushing both of them to the edges of the arena. They both panted heavily before Kat projected himself to Hitoshi raising a fist to hit him. Hitoshi sees this and quickly decides to slide to the side to get further away from the edge.

Kat quickly redirects and flings himself at Hitoshi again. Hitoshi uses his scarf to wrap it around Kat's waist before using his momentum against himself and flinging Kat to the other side right next to the line of the arena.

Izuku slightly holds his breath waiting for one of them to rise over the other and end the fight. Denki on the other hand was vibrating in his seat from excitement enjoying the fight.

Kat and Hitoshi go back and forth for a bit both becoming tired. Izuku was watching the fight before a slight look of realization ran over Hitoshi's face. No one could hear them, but Izuku and Denki could see Hitoshi saying something before Kat responded.

That was where Kat had gone wrong cause with one word Hitoshi quickly grabbed Kat with his quirk and brought him under completely freezing Kat in his spot. Without wasting any time Hitoshi took his scarf wrapped it around Kat and threw him out of the arena.

Everyone was quiet a bit before Izuku and Denki jumped up and started cheering for Hitoshi loudly. Hitoshi beamed and that made everyone start to cheer loudly for him.

Midnight declared him as a winner as he went over to Kat and helped him up. Kat was grumpy, but he couldn't be too mad seeing how he knew Hitoshi's quirk and knew he shouldn't have responded.

That made Izuku wonder what Hitoshi said, but he knew that he would be able to get it out of him later.

Time skip

Izuku had met up with Kiri before they both met up with Kat and Hitoshi who were getting checked over by Recovery Girl. Izuku jumped up and hugged Hitoshi from behind after he knew Hitoshi was free from injuries.

Kiri just simply hugged Kat from behind and they both congratulated Hitoshi and Kat on the fight and Izuku started to rant off going into every detail before remembering something.

"Hey," Izuku starts "What happened out there? What did you say that made Kat respond to you?" Hitoshi's face lit up red before he looked away mumbling "It was nothing.." Kat laughed a bit but also didn't say anything.

"What, why won't you tell me what you said?" Izuku looks at Hitoshi and Kat before sighing getting the hint he wont find out. Kat seemed to open his mouth to explain, but Hitoshi quickly glared at him to stay quiet.

Aizawa ended up meeting up with them and congratulated them on the fight.

Time skip (I really need to finish the Sports Festival so I'm just gonna skip the rest of the fights and just go to the final ok, ok)

Izuku vs Kiri - Izuku won

Testutetsu vs Ibara - Testutetsu won

Iida vs Hitoshi - Hitoshi won

Izuku vs Testutetes - Izuku won

And finally Izuku vs Hitoshi - ???

I'm so sorry for not posting last week... I'm trying to get back into the groove of things.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part.

I hope you all have a good day/night

Bye bye

Word count 1150

Izuku's life as UsagiOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara