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𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒔𝒐𝒏
Strike 1

"You've got to be kidding me" I mumbled, I could not get one single Uber. I've literally never had this experience before. Why wasn't anyone close by? I should be meeting the team on ground but now I'll have to head straight to the airport.

I had twenty minutes to arrive and no one was picking up. What type of luck was this? Desperate times called for desperate measures. I told Trent I had to catch up on my readings so I couldn't make it, which he was fine with. Now I was here ringing his phone hoping he'd give me a ride, since Serena would definitely not make it time.

Once he picked up, I explained the situation and he was more than happy to help.

"Life saver" I said once I met him in the parking lot.

"It's the least I can do." he said, I hope he didn't think he owed me for the decision he made to just being friends with me.

As we made our way to the airport, I couldn't help but think maybe I was meant to not get an Uber. Trent had me laughing so hard I forgot just a few minutes ago I was on the brink of an emotional breakdown. I dampened the tears from my eyes as he recounted a story that happened on his flat a few months ago. I almost did not want the ride to end since he had more to share.

"Here we are" he said pulling up at the departure area. "Happy to have been your chauffeur. Safe flight"

"Thank you so much, drive safely" I said giving him a hug before I got out.

I knew I had a long day ahead of me, possibly the busiest since I started this job. I got there much earlier than the players as I should, and I was relieved when I met John and Ester, the other team assistants who worked on the days Chad and I didn't. They greeted me warmly, and I instantly felt more at ease in their company.

John and Ester were both incredibly helpful, sharing their experiences and giving me insights into what to expect during the away games. They talked about the preparations leading up to the game, the team bonding sessions, and the extra day they often had in each city to explore before heading back home.

Listening to their stories, I began to feel more excited than nervous about the trip. It was reassuring to know that I wasn't alone in this and that I had experienced teammates to rely on for guidance and support. As we waited for the players to arrive, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this journey with them.

The cars came in one after the other and we got to work. We had a division of labour system so the players were divided. I was responsible for some, while Ester and John had theirs. I looked at the names noticing Jude was on my list.

After checking in with the team, I helped them navigate through security and find their way to the departure gate. I made sure everyone had their boarding passes and IDs ready, Jude gave me a bit of trouble there but we sorted that out. I kept a close eye on the time to make sure we didn't miss our flight.

The flight was smooth, I also kept track of any special requests or needs that my group had, making sure they were taken care of promptly. This wasn't a hassle since most of them were asleep, except for Jude who watched a movie on his iPad.

When we arrived at our destination, we made our way to the baggage claim area for those who checked on. After which I guided them to where I was told our transportation would be to take us to the hotel.

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