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𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒔𝒐𝒏
Just the beginning

These past few days, the voices in my head refused to give me a break. It felt like I was constantly overthinking everything, and it was starting to take its toll. As I sat across from Serena in our favorite cafe, just a short walk from campus, my mind was consumed by thoughts of the internship I had my eye on.

A sense of unease was present as I continuously thought about possibilities of landing the internship. It wasn't merely a job opportunity; it was my shot to showcase my abilities. Rumor had it that excelling in this role could secure me a crucial letter of recommendation for admission to the most prestigious research institute in Spain.

Ever since I got a scholarship to study abroad in Madrid, Spain, thanks to the prestigious Universidad de Esperanza, I've been eager to seize every opportunity that comes my way. And this internship is no different.

It was a research assistant position in the psychology department, a field I was passionate about. The thought of spending next summer immersed in groundbreaking research was both exhilarating and terrifying. But deep down, I knew it was exactly what I needed to push myself out of my comfort zone and grow as a person.

I took a deep breath, trying to push aside my thoughts. Serena noticed my distraction and reached out to squeeze my hand in silent support.

"I've been obsessing over this internship," I admitted, finally breaking the silence between us. "It's at the psychology research lab on campus. I've been dreaming about it since the beginning of the semester."

She nodded, her expression sympathetic. "I know how much this means to you, Bri. You've been working so hard for it."

I smiled weakly, grateful for her understanding. "Thanks. I just hope I get it."

We really came from what felt like a far way since starting our second year. Coming from a small town, getting a full scholarship to study in Spain had been a dream come true.

"I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by," she remarked.

"I know. It feels like just yesterday we were freshmen trying to find our way around campus."

She chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "And look at us now, second-year pros."

"I wouldn't say all that, but we're almost there." I said as I stirred my ice tea. "Internship aside, I really need a part time Job, I already scoured campus and I can't find one to save my life. I applied for a bunch of jobs online and not one phone call or email."

The money my parents could afford to send each month barely lasted two weeks. Truth be told, my family didn't have much, and if it weren't for this scholarship, there's no way I'd even be here right now. I'm actually the first in my family to make it to university, and that pressure intensifies when I realize there's absolutely no room for me to slip up. They're all counting on me.

Serena, on the other hand, came from a completely different background. Her dad is the coach of a fancy football club, and her mother is a doctor. She had her bread buttered on both sides. She tried to understand my humble background but I don't think she'll ever get it. She'll never get why I can't just go Greece or just party all weekend in Ibiza. The concept of being poor was a bit lost on her.

"I could ask my dad, in high school he made me work in the dining room at the training complex, as a lesson on hard work over a silly comment I made," she scoffed, "I don't know, I'll see if there's any simple things available."

"Honestly, anything would do right now" I sighed.

Well, there should be plenty part-time jobs available there, now that I'm thinking," she continued,  "You could even work as a receptionist at the front desk, help out in the equipment room, or even assist with administrative tasks in the office. I'll talk to dad because they run a tight ship over there"

"Which club is it again?" I knew she had mentioned it some time ago, I know it was a big one I just couldn't recall which was it.

"The best club in the world, Real Madrid" she said proudly.

"Real Madrid, huh?" I chuckled, the irony not lost on me. My dad was Barcelona's biggest fan; he practically bled blue and red. The thought of me seeking employment with his beloved rivals would have been enough to make him crumble.

"I'll definitely speak to him tonight" she said confidently.

It was a big ask but I hoped her dad could carve a way. In life, sometimes it's really who you know because if an opening was posted on a website there's no way, I would've landed it as a second year student with absolutely no job experience.

Our conversation shifted as we spoke about the upcoming events of the school year, Serena mentioned that Andres was hosting his costume party again this year. Memories of last year's party flooded back – we had snuck in, as freshmen technically we weren't allowed to. It's a night we talk about ever so often because of how much fun we had.

But this year, with a test happening the next day, I hesitated. Partying before a test was never a good idea, I did it once and barely passed, I am on a scholarship so I literally can't have a repeat of that.

I knew I needed to prioritize my studies. "I'm not sure about Andres' party," I confessed. "As much fun as it was last year, I don't think I can risk it with a test the following day."

She looked a bit thrown by my response since, technically we've been dying to go to another but to be fair, I didn't know my test schedule.

"We don't have to drink and we can leave early, don't do this" she whined.

"You had me in the first half, you know it'll be impossible to leave early. That's a trap and I'm not falling in it." I laughed.

"Just think about it" she said before looking at her watch, "I have to go but think about it"

I sighed, torn between the desire to let loose and have fun and the responsibility of academic priorities.

As Serena left, I watched her disappear around the corner, her words still replaying in my mind. With a sigh, I turned back to my books, realizing that studying in the cafe might be my best option for the evening.

Back in my dorm room, studying wasn't exactly easy, especially with my roommate's constant...lets say distractions since there wasn't a word to perfectly describe it. But here, in the quiet corner of the cafe, I could focus without major interruptions.

Teenage Fever | Jude Bellingham (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now