44__ Appreciation meal.

53 3 9

[[Dedicated to... Darkk_angel]]✓

Carlson's pov

"Dad only said to shop for school" I groan, mildly irritated and bored out of my mind from being Kardian's bodyguard all day with an empty stomach "You are shopping as though you don't have a single cloth at home"

He pauses mid swerve to glare at me with his hands perched on either sides of his small waist. "Oh shut up you malfunctioning walkie talkie - we're almost done.. this is the last store!! stop whining like a fucking annoying kid" he sneers at me In disgust.

I scoff incredulously, looking down at the numerous shopping bags in my hand "You said the same thing at the other store and the one before and after that one, you ungrateful human.. yet this is the fifth store we are visiting today.. how'd you even get so much money and why do you squander it on this much nonsense?" I lament irritatedly.

"Are you too dumb to comprehend how much of a billionaire I am? And how dare you label the things I shop for as nonsense?"

"Pained by the truth, are we? Daddy's Little boy"

"i don't depend on dad for money, you pathetic mutt" he exclaims, glaring at me "I may not have a job, but I'm pretty sure I can buy you, your family and your entire fucking pack if I so much as desire to"

I snort "Talking about buying a whole royal family as though you are capable of it"

He laughs sarcastically "royal family my ass" probably thinking I'm bluffing about my family being royal. "Come on along, boy toy. let's shop for one more Gucci short, just one more before we leave"

I sigh, annoyed but slightly amused by his tendencies. I figured he brings out different parts of me I never thought I had. who'd believe I talk as much as I do with Kardian? who'd even believe that I agreed to be his temporary bodyguard?

He saunters past an aisle to the opposite one and I huff before following after him "Careful, we don't want you spending all your money on Gucci nonsense. we still need to shop you a brain"

"What did you say?" He stops to shoot me a glare.

"What? you desperately need one" his hands shoots out and the next thing I know, it's clambering down on my chest with enough force to bring a human down to their knees, I roll my eyes at the feather like slap. silently thanking them for not rushing out the slit to punish Kardian. That would have sent him running for the hills..

But still, that hit was...


"You don't have a brain" he spats.

"I'm not you" I remind him and he growls angrily at me.

His stares at me for half a second, his scowl deepening "Why did the moon bitch fucking pair us?" he groans exasperatedly.

"Beats me" I answer with an innocent shrug and he stumps past me toward the counter.
The mate awareness buzzes warningly at the extra two feets between us and he stops mid walk to glare at me. I blink and quickly follow after him.

"What? You ain't shopping anymore?" I ask with a faux concerned look.

"What? You want me to?" He asks sarcastically.

I would have said no on impulse but something tells me if I said no, he's going to shop more just to irritate me...

So I took the safer route out of this "Yes!" I lie.

I half expected him to accept and see through my lie then use it against me but he just huffs. not looking my way.

"Some stupid asshole spoilt my fucking mood anyway. don't wanna shop anymore" he grits out and glares at me. a low chuckle involuntarily flutters past my lips for the fourth time today and Kardian rolls his eyes angrily. not the least surprised anymore.

Destined To Be... { Boy X Boy } (( Unedited ))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant