3__ Lavender and Rose

139 4 6

Kardi's pov

I take a once-over at myself in the mirror situated above the drawer in my room before nodding in approval at my appearance.

I'm wearing a slightly big, blue crew-neck sweats with fitting black jeans and a pair of sneakers. My hair is up in a man bun, leaving some stubborn strands to fall over my face.

I walk out my room once I'm satisfied with my looks "Took you long enough!" Andrea says as I come into view, laughing softly under her breath.
She's wearing a big blue hoodie over a Jean mini-skirt with some shinny Balenciaga ankle boots. Her brown hair is let down and her eyes gaze at me fondly.

We are kinda matching.... aren't we?

I should be surprised, concerned or suspicious that she's acting weird and madly in love with me, but I can't bring myself to feel any other emotion except glee.

Maybe I'm being an idiot by not giving this a second thought but you can't blame me. The girl I've been crushing on all my life and my literal future wife, is suddenly acting like a fiancee should and is giving me the attention I've craved for all my life.

Maybe she had some kind of a deep talk with her subconscious self and came to the realization that She's not been treating her fiance well, so she decided to change? Or Maybe she just looked at me and discovered how much she's been missing out on.

I mean, come on, Take a look at Kardian Romanoff.

She even went as far as to ask me out on a date.

And for the record, I'm never saying no to Andrea Maxwell.


Yep!! I'm that in love.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting, my lady" I say with a small smile as I look into her eyes.

She isn't avoiding eye contact...

She isn't avoiding eye contact....


Someone shoot me in the head right now.

Andrea never appreciates eye contact with me.

"Well, Durr. You should be! Guys are supposed to be the one waiting, not the other way around. Come on, let's go. And you better not do this next time. I won't condone it" she tells me with an irritated eyeroll as she walks out the cottage with me right behind her.

I ignore it, I ignore the command in her tone, I ignore the rudeness cause she's the one who's early, I'm not late.

I ignore the way her lips curled downwards in distaste because I'm used it so I'm not surprised that she gets bossy and pushy but I think it's her way of being nice to me.

Plus my mind is focused on the fact that she just said they'd be a fucking NEXT TIME.

They'd be a next time.

Really, seriously... I need someone to shoot me right now.

Andrea Maxwell wants to spend more time with me? Does this mean that she's actually in love with me behind all this facade? Or is she just learning to love me?

Well, I don't care. I'm making sure I never loose this.

"So, where to!?" I ask, wanting to make small talks with her as I drove out the driveway and unto a street I never knew was here.

"You know I'm not you, who's always cooped up in his room, right? So yeah, I toured around this place yesterday, met some poor people, spoke to a few and discovered some really nice shops around here. It's cool" she says, her nose stuck to her phone and I smile.

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