24__ I feel it too

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Khloe's pov.

"__ needs rest, his body is still recovering from his comatosed state. I'd appreciate it if you would all refrain from talking about triggering matters to him as he's still recovering! And only a maximum of two people can visit him at once. other than that, he'd be free to leave the hospital in three days after a few checkups" Doctor Heyes imparts professionally just as he finished running some tests and checkups on a passed out Kardian.

After Annalise did something weird to mom and made her follow her out of here like a lost puppy, kardi had cried himself to sleep in dad's arms.

"I'd be taking my leave now!" He adds, moving to walk the room.

"Alpha Ambrose? Please, I'd love to speak with you alone. come with me if you don't mind!" Doctor Heyes states kindly and with a curt nod, Alpha Ambrose walks out of the room with him.

I unconsciously glance around the room, only to realize that it's just me, dad and some big-ass looking guy left in here.

Kira hasn't been staying in the pack house with us all, she's been living with her mate at his house. so, I guess she's moved into his house. she doesn't call or even bother to check up on us.. it's like she saw an opening to finally leave our fucked up family and she gladly took it.

I'd love to do same with my mate, sia, but I can't. I need to be there for Kardian. I can't leave my baby brother to all of this misfortunes, no matter how stupid he is.. and I know that once Kardi's mate wakes up, it'd be a new beginning of another crumbled chapter of kardi's fucked up life.. but I'd be here.

I and Sia has decided to stay here in the pack, become a pack member - though we haven't said anything about it to anyone - and stay here with kardi..

I can't leave him alone!

Dad and his mate are here too, so we'd be able to look after him together.

I also love it here, so it's a plus.

But believe me, when I found out that mom and dad ain't mates and that their whole marriage was arranged, and that there's little to no love between them, meryem fainted in shock and I almost went with her!

Yeah, bro, I was that surprised!

All our lives together was literally a lie.. everything is so fucked up and grey.
everything is a freaking twisted lie..

I hope everything goes smoothly as from today.. Kardi needs peace in his life and the poor guy who got rejected needs to wake up and share that peace with kardi!

God... I hate family dramas and dumb turns of events!

Why can't everything just need okay and smooth?

I don't want to be mean and shit but, seriously, we'd have been more happy and swimming in peace of mind and lies if we didn't go for that dumb vacation in this town. If kardi didn't stupidly reject his mate for stupid Andrea.

But really, am I happy that things are falling out of place and flying sporadically, laying around idily like disquieted puzzles that needs to be arranged?

I don't know!

But kardi...
He's suffered enough!

After the stupid family drama that went on in here, everyone dispersed along with mom and Luna Annalise, well except us.

The doctors were actually present when mom stepped into kardi and Carlson's room, but she wasn't noticed and it wasn't time for them to check up on the sick mates!

Mom is going crazy for reals!

I honestly don't know what is wrong with mom but I hope this nonsense wouldn't repeat itself again, she's never been like this before, I'm guessing dad finding his mate really did something to her... Though it doesn't look like hurt! She doesn't seem or look or even act hurt. it seems like loss.

Destined To Be... { Boy X Boy } (( Unedited ))Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz