45__ Interesting.

35 3 0

Kardi's pov

"So, like.. you've never had your fucking first kiss?" I ask incredulously, as Carlson speeds up the car. shifting uncomfortable on his seat with a dangerously rose colored face.

I snicker at his embarrassed state.

It's amusing and fucking adorable at the same time.


But seriously, I can't fucking believe that this grumpy shit is a fucking virgin. he fucking looks like a typical highschool walking STD playboy.

This is a fucking shock. It's at times like this that I wished I had a best friend.. cause, baby, this is an interesting tea to spill over my favorite tea.

"What about a hug? Wait, oh my goodness, am I the first person you've held hands with?" I gasp loudly, aiming at riling him up "No wonder you were all red, blushing as fuck all the way down home from the hospital that day" I laugh, sickeningly amused.

He groans then turns to sneer "Could you please drop it already?"

"No, baby.." I snicker jokingly "once we reach the pack, I'm screaming this information out loud at the top of my fucking voice.. cause honey, the world needs to know this"

"You wouldn't dare" he threatens "and, don't call me that" he groans irritatedly.

I roll my beautiful eyes, ignoring the weight my words carry, I blurt them out "oh, please. like I'd listen to you or anyone. don't talk like you don't know me.."

"Well, I really don't know you! we don't know each other" he speaks bluntly and I suck in a sharp breath. I sense him freeze beside me as he registers his own words and almost immediately, a tense wall slams against us in the confines of the vehicle and involuntarily, the car slows.

I shut my eyes tightly close to rid myself of the sharp sting from the ant roaming in my belly.

Truth hurts, aye?

It's funny how only a few hours spent with Carlson drew us unbelievably close. I can't begin to comprehend how easy teasing and talking to him has become. I completely forgot every choas going on in our lives.. I fucking lost myself in the feeling of being comfortable with someone outside my family for the first time.. it might be only for a day, but I wholeheartedly lost myself in this little bubble I created. teasing and smiling and even going as far as showing other sides of me to none other than Carlson freaking Bynjamin. My own fucking mate who's supposed to be my friend.

My god, this isn't good. thinking about it now, I totally regret accepting to go an a dat__ appreciation meal appointment with him. it's going to be disastrous to the both of us.

Is it a bad thing though?

Wait, what am I thinking? of course it is..

Definitely not__ Ace immediately disagrees. a little to desperately for my liking. I frown.

But, we agreed to be friends__ I try to reason.

Sorry, I don't remember Carlson accepting that concept__ Ace counters

Well, he's got to. we can't be more than that.. so there's nothing wrong with being friendly with him__ I say, trying to convince myself more than aimed at Ace.

Yh.. you are just being friendly.. you ain't flirting with him.. nope, totally not. You are not starting to get whipped for him at all.__ Ace drawls tiredly.

Ace!!!__ I exclaim in shock, my face heating up at the atrocious words he just spouted.

What? Continue being "friendly" with him, it's the right thing to do. I totally support you.. keep it up__ he snickers quietly before stumbling his way deep into my head.

Destined To Be... { Boy X Boy } (( Unedited ))जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें