7__ Oh No

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Kardi's pov..

Carlson Bynjamin!

That's his name... The guy who got coronated and smells so fucking good, his scent and looks messed up my brain to the extent where I had to leave the hall... he's making me feel weird and Ace chanting mate all the time is not helping.

At all.

His fucking name is Carlson Bynjamin and I just unfortunately got to realize that he's my soulmate.

A fucking male?

Was the moon goddess high when she decided to mate me to a ngga? A fucking guy!!

Kardian Romanoff is never Gay.

No, think about it..

Me? Gay? Like, me fucking and loving another man?

Nah, Never in hell is that happening.

I never wanted a mate before and now that my mate turned out to be a male, the will to reject my mate is hardening.

Ace growls at me in disdain but I ignore him. He's been doing this since we perceived this fuckers scent. But I don't care, I don't want him and he shouldn't too, because we already agreed to reject our mate when we see her - well in this case.. him - and nothing is gonna change my mind. Nothing is gonna stop me from freeing myself from this disgusting creep.

I groan in Faustration, No way in hell am I gay.

There's also no way in hell that I'd leave Andrea for him. A man! That I don't want and do not even know.

I and Andrea are already getting close and I'm one hundred percent sure that she's in love with me now and so, a mate can't come between the both of us.

No fucking way would I let that happen.

The moon bitch made a fucking mistake.

I think my eyes betrayed my feelings, because Carlson's eyes widened and he shakes his head frantically, hurt evident in his eyes.

"Cat got your tongue? What do you want?" I ask again, more harsh than the first time. Maybe if he just turns and leaves me alone, we can act as if we never met each other and just go our separate ways. so I wouldn't need to reject him.

I love Andrea too much to break her heart and trust over a mate I don't want.

Ace whimpers, fighting for control with me but I shove him to the deepest part of my mind, ignoring his stupid emotions.

He'd thank me later for this.

"You're my mate, I.. I came to find.. get you" he says, stumbling over his words and I glare at him. Scrunching up my nose in disgust as I look him up and down. I ignore the unrelenting mate pull between us as I close my eyes, making up my mind.

"I am not your mate! Will never be yours!! That won't happen in this life and even in the next. I'm not a faggot" I spat at him and he flinches. A fierce wave of magic spreads around the space we're in, surrounding and clogging us with it's thick and powerful essence as Carlson falls to his knees with a grunt.

I frown.

He's the owner of the magic?

What the hell Is happening to

A strong pull latches at my chest, tugging and pulling me towards him.

I groan, fighting against it as Ace forces himself out of the shell I shoved him into "get to mate.. mate needs us. Please Kardian, mate is hurting, I'm hurting. Go to mate. They need us. Please" Ace begs, leaving me with torn emotions.

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