15__ Consequences

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Ambrose's pov..

All my life, I've seen, heard stories and experienced - first hand - the effect of black magic on people, and it's nothing pleasant or even close to it.

Black magic on it's own, is a dangerous thing, and being a witch who wields black magic is even more dangerous, because it has a chance of sucking you in and manipulating your brain. Anna's powers and special connection with the moon goddess is one of the reasons why The Greenwood Pack is the most powerful, dangerous and intimidating pack in the supernatural world.

Anna's rare presence, screams danger. She instills fear into any kind of specie, consciously or unconsciously. She is feared and known for her ruthlessness, everyone was after her life, including the few human scientist who discovered her existence. She was and still is believed to be a threat to our world.

She wields powers that can end us all and sometimes she gets lost in using those powers that she involuntarily causes an earthquake in the middle of a large pack, destroying it whole. she caused a heavy storm and tsunami while trying to master a spell, destroying a whole vampire clan. those bloodsuckers are still after her till today.

She was called "Voldemort, Morrigan, Draculina" and other ominous names all around the supernatural world. The most famous one was Voldemort. she is feared for a reason.

She is a self taught witch so I can imagine how hard it was for her to master her powers, but it doesn't mean she wasn't ruthless, impulsive and emotionless. She causes danger and chaos for fun, pilling a large amount of enemies against her life.

Even I, was after her life until I found her and discovered she was my soulmate. Believe me, it was utter choas.

We almost rejected each other just so we can kill each other, she didn't want a link and I didn't want a witch for a Mate but we worked it all out. Amidst the choas brewing around us, we fought through to be together.

The enemies we could destroy, we did. But unfortunately they happened to be more enemies than we could count. Things quickly went downhill and in other to be out of danger and safe - especially since she was pregnant with the twins -  we ran away, hiding our scent and trail. We made the world believe we were dead and gone, until we were strong and powerful. until the world now recognizes us as people who should not be messed with. a pack that shouldn't be messed with.

But above all, I trust Anna, I trust that amidst the few advantages of being blessed with black magic, I trust that she won't use her powers if it's not required, if it's not a must. because, not only will it leave an infinite scar on whoever is at the receiving end of her powers, but it will also drain and mess her brain and thoughts up.

The ominous consequences that comes with using a huge amount of black magic to curse someone or change something that has already been finalized by an entity, is no joke.

Thus, I don't know why Anna didn't think it through before exchanging our son's emotions with Kardian's own.

Why didn't she think about the consequences of her actions, about the effect it will have on our son and his mate?

"She's a mother. A mother who was about to loose her only child. The trauma she faced after loosing Carlton obviously took over her. She thought she was going to loose Carlson too... Hell, we would have lost Carlson by now, if she didn't do what she did. So stop blaming her. I don't blame her, I blame our son's mate, Kardian" Calow, my wolf, emphasizes gloomily, disputing my blameful thoughts.

I sigh, deciding not to argue with him on it, because somehow, I think he's right.

A wolf will think like a wolf whenever it comes to their pup and maybe, just maybe, if I were the one in Anna's shoes, if I was the one holding my pale, heartbroken son, I would have done worse.

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