37__ Unexpected embrace

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Kardian's pov

I.. I don't know what to say or what to think right now.

My thoughts are scattered around and painfully consuming me.

As i slowly and emotionlessly climb up the stairs toward Carlson's room, with the aforementioned idiot right beside me, I ransack my brain, seeking for answers.. anything that will clear me of this confusion and faustration but as usual I come up with nothing.

It's not a secret how empty my head is.

Its like, whenever I think that something good is about to be born from all the tiring shit going on in my life, another unfathomable shit gets unapologetically thrown at my beautiful face and I'm instantly tossed right into reality again.

It's been a while I looked myself in a mirror, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be surprised to see an older version of me if I eventually look in a mirror.

I know I apologized to Carlson, I know I said we should start off as friends but i swear it's at times like this that I can't help but feel like meeting Carlson was a curse.

It's always from one problem to another ever since I met him.

My family changed.. or rather, their true colors are finally showing and everything is proudly turned upside down.

I groan.

I just wanna curl up into a ball and cry a bucket until I turn to a swollen frog or something. I'm so fucking tired of all this non ending shit.

I hate this. all of this.

mom ain't dad's mate! my parents ain't mates? I had actually thought they loved each other so much.

Great actors they are.

But, my fucking god, my whole life was a freaking twisted lie.

Am I really having some kind of mental issues?

I mean, I keep forgetting things and now it's slowly getting worse but that's beside the point though..

Is mom really behind the disastrous calamity befalling our companies?

Are we going to become poor now?

I shudder at the thought.

Please, anything but becoming poor.

Are we really going to loose our fame though?
Am I going to loose my fame now?

Oh no.. my hard earned popularity.

After dad jogged my memory, I do recall mom talking about me being..

I quietly gasp in horror.

What if i really am adopted?

No, I won't believe that..

mom is crazy so she probably was just spitting nonsense. but then again who's this Boss and how am i a fucking key? What fucking keyhole am I key to?

Mom is obviously locked up in a dungeon, how is it even possible for her to ruin our companies?

I feel like crying.

Everything is so confusing and I.. I need answers.
And the only person who can provide me with that, is mom.

it's obviously dangerous inside a dungeon filled with dangerous criminals but it's totally worth it as long as I get my answers. Of course, with Carlson beside me.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I do have an unfinished bone to pick with this stupid mate of mine but I'm too exhausted to... I'm mentally and emotionally drained from hearing the shit I just heard and all I wanna do right now is cry myself to a deep fucking slumber.

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