47. Lies and Escapism

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We aren't broken because we can't be fixed. We are broken because we chose to remain broken, scarred and injured.

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If you can understand what I wrote in this chapter, then there's nothing you can't understand because even the writer doesn't understand what she wrote.

Because, you're actually not meant to understand it and it'll give you a little glimpse on Dara and Dami's life.

The song for this chapter is ‘Escapism Remix’ by Bloody Civilian, Fave and Tay iwar.

Read on.


Who was Darasimi Olaniyi?

That was a question I always asked myself because I hoped that one day, I would find the real answer and stop lying to myself.

Because that's what everyone does, lying.

They tell the truth and end it with a little lie. I'm sure I don't even know what the truth sounds like anymore and maybe that's why I can't even seem to tell myself the truth anymore.

Lies had eaten so deep into my life and the truth felt like a weird statement. Lying was so much better than saying the truth because the truth came with so much pain but lies were the only thing that seemed to care about everyone's feelings.

So maybe I think I knew who Darasimi Olaniyi was. She was a girl who grew up listening to lies and realized that no one cared about her anymore, except lies.

And she didn't care, because that was obviously a lie too.

"Dara! I missed you so much! How is your family?!" Amira asked as she jumped on my body.

It was resumption and this was the first time I was coming out of the house since the holiday. My brother had visited me at my aunt's house almost every day but till now, I haven't seen my mom or heard her voice yet Dami kept telling me that everything was fine.

Which was another lie.

He had asked me to come to school today if I wanted to but I shouldn't pack my clothes became he wasn't taking me home today.

I had asked him the reason why and he said that some renovations and decorations were done at our house and until they were done, I wouldn't be able to come home.

Obviously, that was another lie.

"I missed you too my darling! How is everyone?!" I squealed.

"They're good! And why didn't you come with Dami? He was in school earlier than you did." Amira asked as she took my school bag from my hand.

"He didn't want to wait for me so I came alone." I lied smoothly. She pulled my hands and we dropped our bags and walked to the assembly.

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I had missed the assembly because I was late. The assembly was almost over and Amira had missed it with me too because I asked her to wait for me till I got to school.

We just got in line and decided to walk with the rest of our classmates to the class. Miriam had been going on and on about how her she spent her holiday at her grandmother's house and how she would never spend it there again.

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