42. Movies and Discussions

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If there's something you want to do, just do it. Don't let your head stop your heart from moving.

I've written this chapter since September but I don't know why I forgot to update, maybe because I didn't feel satisfied with the chapter.

And you people, School want to kill me. If you see any depressed looking girl coming back late from school or crying on the road, it might be me. So far it's in Abuja, it's definitely me😭. Just squeeze Ten thousand dollars in my hands. Thank you.

The song for this Chapter is ‘Live More and Love More’  By Cat burns.


When I was little, I loved watching Barbie. I grew up to be Jealous of Barbie because I felt like she was too perfect and we all struggled to be like her.

My mom bought me my first Barbie doll when I was three and Itohan would agree to do all the house chores so that she could play with my Barbie, dress her up and feed her.

Barbie was an epitome of perfection and beauty. We believed Barbie never cried or felt bad or even had anything to worry about. Sometimes, we believed she made us feel less when she was made to motivate us.

So when I grew up later on, I believed that I could never be perfect like Barbie and I hated her. I hated the sight of Barbie dolls and anytime I found them, I would rip their dresses off their bodies and paint their faces with crayons and markers, not until I became older and stopped doing that two or three years ago.

Today, Kayla forced us to watch the new Barbie movie with her today and it changed my idea of Barbie. It made me love and appreciate Barbie because she wasn't created to make us feel less of ourselves. Barbie, just like all of us had her imperfections.

"Billie is too good. Her song just added a new vibe to the movie!" My Aunt said, rubbing Kayla's back gently.

Kayla slept when the movie hadn't even gone halfway but we decided to continue it, even though we were sure that she would make us watch it again since she didn't have the opportunity to complete it.  

"I'm surprised that you know Billie Eilish. I used to think you were old school and all," I replied.

"I'm not old school at all. I know all new musicians biko. The fact that I have a daughter and I'm pregnant doesn't mean I've lost my young mind oo. Some of my agemates aren't even married." She argued. My aunt loved to argue that she was young and that she was current.

"But Billie isn't someone I expect you to know, except your TikTok for you page started showing her songs,"

"It's not your fault. You think I'm old, that's why!" She hissed.

"It's true. I believe you." I answered her with a smile on my face. Maybe she didn't pay attention to the sarcasm in my tone but my statement made her smile.

I quickly picked up my phone and sent a quick text to Kambili and Halita that I had watched the Barbie movie they've been begging me to watch for a long time.


K A M💜✨

Attachment 2 images.

Girls, I need you to help me pick. I'm looking for a dress for a dinner today. I'm going out for a business dinner with dad.

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