Very well. Then let's get down to why you're here.


The Amazon walked up to the Conqueror's desk.

There's trouble within our lands. We've been invaded by a massive group who've been stalking, attacking and kidnapping many of the Amazons spread across the land.

How long has this been going on for?

From what I've gathered it's been several moons since the first known attack. Though I only received word a little over one moon ago. Since then, I've been doing my best to keep track of the developing situation.


Over that time more and more Amazons have fallen victim to these people, and it seems that no matter what we do, we're fighting a losing battle. And in just this moon cycle, I don't, know how they're doing it, but it seems that no matter what we throw at them, it's not enough. It's as if the enemy has grown stronger and more ruthless in their pursuit of our people. Which is why I've come to ask for your help in dealing with this.

Xena sat quietly for a moment as she absorbed the information just given to her before speaking again.

This is a rather troubling turn of events. It must really be a massive army to cause this much of a threat.

That's the thing. As far as I'm aware, it's not. The numbers are high, but they're nothing that should stop us from warding off an assault like this

Unfamiliar tactics?

Not that I'm aware of. It seems that we're just simply being overpowered on the battlefield.

Maybe your Amazons just have finally met their match.

Not appreciating the Conqueror's callous comment, Melosa scowled.

(Irritated tone) Might I remind you that we have a treaty, Conqueror. And even with that aside, what makes you think that you won't be one of the next ones to be targeted once Draco's done with the Amazon people?

Hearing the sudden and unexpected mention of Draco's name brought a scowl to Xena's face as the pieces for why the warlord hadn't followed up from his attack on Amphipolis with another attack on her territory.

(Quiet angry tone) So that's what he's been doing. He's going after the places that fall just outside my boarders to bolster his power. And he's clearly set his sights on the Amazon's not only for your lands but as a means to fund his efforts. Which is most likely why he's capturing them. To be sold.

Xena slammed her fist down on her desk.

(Angry tone) That son of a bitch. Him and Ares. They aren't gonna get away with any of this.


Hearing Xena bring up the God of War's name unprompted confused Melosa.

What does any of the god's have to do with this?

That's how Draco's been able to overpower you so easily. He has Ares helping him. That overrated immortal has a personal interest in me and got pissed off when I told him I wasn't interested in him or his "help". So he gave it to Draco to watch him crush me.

CONQUERING THE CONQUEROR Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora