Chapter: 60

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I scream again due to the contractions hitting me up again with full force. I could care less who is with me right now — though I know that Chaeyoung and Jimin hyung are with me, Miss Lisa is keeping Jihoon busy in another room, and Yoongi hyung is guarding the outside — I just want this pain to disappear.

"I can't do it," I cry so agonizingly. I knew the birth would be painful, but I feel like I'm going to die any moment. It's like I'm gonna rip in two pieces.

"Don't worry, Kook," Chaeyoung consoles me, patting my head with her free and as I'm holding tight the other one. "I know it's hard, but you gotta do this. We must save both Mr. Kim and the baby."

"Yes, Jungkook. Be strong for a little while," Jimin takes my another hand. "I know you can do this."

Yes, I can do this. I must do it. I must save my baby and my mate. I won't give up.

"Jimin oppa, has Yoongi oppa put that white looking powder — that protective shield — around the house?"

"Yeah, I think so. He may be in the porch, guarding if something or someone tries to come."

I can care less about what they are talking about. Another contraction hits me, and I wail again. I don't know for how long I can take it.


"Jungkook, we're here for you," says Chaeyoung.

"Chaeyoung, stay with him. I'll go and bring a clean cloth and a towel for the baby."


The slow rumbling of the rain and the loud sound of the thunderstorm echoes in my ears, and I think of the time I was with my mate, my Taehyung.

Times were so beautiful with him that I didn't even acknowledge when the daylights turned into sunsets and when the bright nights gave us new days to create new memories.

I recall every time he took me in his arms whenever I got frightened. It was a very reassuring embrace, and he always smelled like home to me. My happiness, my sadness, my smiles, and my tears were all for Taehyung and because of Taehyung.

I feel lonely even if I have people around me. I wish you were here, Taehyung. I wish you could see the birth of our child, Taehyung. I wish I could see your face right now.

"Jungkook, Jungkook," Chaeyoung slowly taps my face. My vision is starting to get blurry. "Don't lose consciousness, Kook. Think about the child, please. Be brave," she cries.

"Kook, I can see the baby's head," Jimin hyung announces. "Chaeyoung, try to help Jungkook by pushing his stomach."

I see a vision of me, lost somewhere. A place so bright to take anyone's breath away. This is the same vision I saw months ago. A place where I met a beautiful female tiger. It was so small, and it jumped at my arms when it saw me. At that time, I also saw another tiger that was so big that if anyone were to see it, they would wet their pants. But I wasn't scared. That tiger was so soft and fluffy that when I touched him, I felt like staying there and living with it forever.

People say that you get these kinds of dreams when you're pregnant, and these types of dreams bring you closer to your baby. Taehyung was over the moon when I told him about it and said, "My daughter will be a great fighter when she grows up."


"ARGH!" I scream, hearing Chaeyoung's voice, leaving the vision I've just had, coming back to reality.

"Jungkook, please, one last push," Jimin hyung begs.

I must do it. I must have my baby tiger in my arms. She's going to live happily, and I'll do every impossible thing for her.

"AHH!" This is the last push because I have no energy left in my body, and I don't think it's even necessary for I hear a crying voice echoing through the room.

I did it.

"Chaeyoung, pass me the scissor," I hear a faint voice as the baby's cries grow only louder.

This is supposed to be one of my happiest moments ever, but why is it so dull? I'm in so much agony. My tears are flowing, but there's no sound coming from me. It isn't how it should've been. Why am I in so much pain?

"Kookie, you did it." My hazy eyes look at Chaeyoung, who is holding the baby. Taehyung's baby. Our daughter. I want to touch her and hold her, but my whole body hurts. She bents down and bring the baby closer to me.

With my blurry vision, I see an angel.

"Taewon," I murmur. I wish your father was here to give you the name. You know, your father loves you a lot. My worrior daughter.

I smile at my daughter as my pain is slowly fading. My heart flutters with every crying sound my daughter is making because I feel assured that she's healthy. This joy of becoming the mother numbs any terror in me, it makes my pain worthy.

I close my eyes because of the exhaust.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter 💕 😊


⚫️Have you ever witnessed any birth?

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