Chapter: 31

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A maid opens the door for me to enter. I smile at her as she bows down to me. I walk inside, hoping for Mr. Kim is to be present in the house.

"Hello, sir. How can I help you?" She asks respectfully.

"Is Mr. Kim home?" I ask, nervous to see him.

"Yes. And you are?"

"Tell him that Jungkook is here."

"Sure, sir."

I wait in the big hall of his house while the maid goes upstairs to call Mr. Kim. I have several emotions going through me: I am very nervous to see Mr. Kim, as I don't know what mood he currently has; I have a fluttering heart as I rethink why I am here in the first place; I have fear of seeing his reaction.


My heart leaps in my mouth as he calls my name. My breathing becomes hard, and my hands begin to tremble. I close my eyes and take a huge breath in order to calm myself and turn around. The hair in my nape stands up when I see him come downstairs.

"Hi, Mr. Kim." I blush.

"Hmm, what brings you here?" His voice expressionless just like his feature. Is he bothered by my presence?

"I'm here to talk to you about... about something." I bite my lower lip.

"What?" He rises an eyebrow.

"Er... can we... talk alone?" I request.

He checks me up and down.

"Aera, you and others can go," he commands, and I see that all of them are quick to follow his order. In five minutes, all of them leave the mansion, and Mr. Kim tells me to follow him.

We enter Mr. Kim's bedroom, and now, I'm more anxious.

"Tell me, Jungkook. What do you want to talk about?" He asks sternly.

What should I do? Should I tell him directly about my feelings? Will that be weird? Will he find me stupid? Will he break my heart?


"Sir, what has happened to you for, like, a week now? Is everything's alright?" He frowns because I spoke very quickly and a little loudly because of my anxiety.

"Talk slowly. I'm not going anywhere."

I feel embarrassed.

"Umm... sir, what happened to you? You didn't look your usual self this week," I say calmly like I always do.

He squints his eyes a little. "Why are you asking this?"

I gulp. "Because... I noticed that you've been avoiding me, and I wonder if I did something wrong."

He keeps staring at me for a couple of seconds, and my hands start to get sweaty.

"Is this why you're here?"

"Y-yes," I stutter. I think that maybe it's not good to tell him the real reason because I don't think he's in a good mood.

"Why do you care if I'm avoiding you? Shouldn't you be happy?"

What does he mean?

"What do you mean? How can this make me happy?" This time, I frown.

He folds his arms. "It's what you wanted, right? To stay away from me."

Yes, I wanted him to stay away from me, but it was in the past. My feelings have changed.

"No, why would you assume that?"

Mr. Kim's World | (TaeKook)Where stories live. Discover now