✿》37 - Shhh《✿

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I lay in bed waiting for everyone in the house to go to sleep. Tonight I asked Lucy Gray if I could trying going to sleep alone. It's for a reason though. I want to go and sneak around Coriolanus' office to see if he is hiding anything. Although I act like I trust him in front of everyone else, I don't fully trust him yet. He is hiding something and I know it and clearly he hasn't told Lucy Gray anything because me and Lucy Gray don't keep secrets from each other. The only secret she keeps is how mama died and I know that she has that secret because I'm not ready to know it yet and I respect that, but Coriolanus just carries his body like he is holding something back and it scares me a bit. I didn't notice at first because I didn't know him that well. I didn't know the pattern of his body language or facial expressions, but now I do and something is definitely different. I stare at the ceiling listening intently to everything going on around the house. I look at the clock and it says 11:30pm, I think everyone should be asleep by now. I look over at Bean sleeping in her bed and I get out of bed looking for my slippers and my bathrobe. I find my slippers and I put them on and I take my robe off the hook on my door and I put it on. I open the door and I see Bean's head lift up from her bed

"Bean, stay" I say to Bean putting my hand up to say stay where she is

I walk out of my room and I shut the door as quietly as possible. The click seems 10 times louder then it does during the day and I freeze making sure no one is awake. I tiptoe towards his office and right as I get outside his office the floorboards creak and I stop in my tracks and I look around the house and I make sure no one else is awake. I sigh in relief and I quietly open the door to his office and walk in. I decide to leave the door open just in case I need to leave quickly or so I can hear things better around the house. I've never really been in his office, I just assumed  it was something off limits unless he asked me in there which has never happened ever, and lots of books I have read fathers have told their children that his office is off limits, but he has never mentioned anything. There are tons of books on the walls and there is a desk facing where I came in and a window behind the desk. I look at the bookshelves but I don't think I will find anything there. One of the books does look a bit more used than the others. That book looks dirtier then the other books. The spine of the book looks more used then the others. I have read plenty of books old and new and that book has been opened many times. Maybe he likes the book a lot or maybe something else. I slowly take the book off the shelf and I flip open to the table of contents. It looks like a regular book to me so I start to flip through the pages that's when I see a vile of something hidden in the book. I take it out and I look at it closely. I've read many books like too many about different things and if this is what I think it is then it isn't good at all. It is a pale blue color but it almost looks clear. This is cyanide, most people wouldn't know what this is but I read a lot and there are some pretty unusual books in District 12 and I read for fun most of the time, but why does Coriolanus have cyanide in a book in his office? I know he wants power and wants to become president someday, but is he poisoning people to get that power? That isn't right. That isn't fair, that's wrong. I don't know though maybe I'm wrong, I hope that I am wrong about this. I make sure not to smell the cyanide because even smelling it can be bad. I put it back in the book exactly how it was in it and I put the book back exactly how it was.

I look at his desk and I see the papers on top of his desk. I look through them most of them are about what is happening in most of the Districts. I look through them and I get to District 12 and I look and see what is happening there. It doesn't seem like much, the coal production is down and not as much as usual. Other than that everything is good, Mayor Lipp isn't mayor anymore. I wonder who the new mayor is, there is also a new head peacekeeper in District 12. He seems worse than the last one that was in District 12 he is putting so many rules on everyone in District 12. It's kinda sad, everything seems to be getting worse there now. There's nothing suspicious on top of the desk which is usual. Who would put the bad stuff on top of the desk that would be very stupid and Coriolanus is far from stupid. I start to look through his desk draws. If there is a locked drawer or a secret draw that is what I am looking for. There is no locked draw in his desk so I start to look and see if he has any secret compartments in one of his desk draws. There must if he has cyanide in one of his books. I have to say he is smart, but not smart enough to make the book with the cyanide in it to look the same as the other books. I mean some people aren't as observant as me, but the book clearly looks different from the others on all of the shelves. One of the stacks of paper on one of the top draws of the desk looks uneven. I take the whole stack of paper and I put it on top of the desk and I push down on the bottom of the draw. It moves and I try and take it out of the draw. It takes a bit because there is no place for me to try and take it out. Once I take it out I look at it and I see some papers and I take those papers out and I look at them. One is a letter and it doesn't look like anything much. I think it is a note from Coriolanus' mother. It's really sweet, Coriolanus doesn't talk about his mom much. All I know is that she died in childbirth, he would've had a sister. I put the letter down and then I see a list of peoples names. Some of them are crossed out. Is this a list of people he has killed. The first three are Bobbin, Mayfair Lipp, and Sejanus Plinth. Those three are crossed out and a couple more people. This is a list of people he has killed because I heard him talking about Bobbin with Lucy Gray, and I saw him kill Mayfair, but the third person me and Lucy Gray didn't know about in the woods was his best friend Sejanus who thought of him as his own brother and Coriolanus now has all the money in the world because the Plinth's adopted him. He killed the Plinth's son because he wanted to go back to the Capitol. He killed his best friend because he wanted more power and didn't want his secret to get out that he killed Mayfair. He tried to shoot Lucy Gray because she was one of the last people to know what actually happened in that back room that night. I look at the list of people and most of them are people who are in politics who are above Coriolanus. It goes all the way to the president. He will have the most power if he becomes president. Behind that list is another sheet of paper. It's a timeline of when he is going to kill the people on each list, and the plan on who he can blame it on and where to put the poison in each persons house so it looks like they were hiding it. His plan is intricate, but also on the timeline is when he is traveling to each District and when. Why would he be traveling to each district and why would he hide it in his desk. I look and see when he is going to District 12 and it looks like he is going to District 12 on May 1st. It will be warm enough not to wear a jacket, but cool enough that I will need a cardigan and stockings. I will see if Coriolanus tells us he is traveling and asks if we want to come with him. Most people in District 12 hate anyone from the Capitol, but that goes both ways. Maybe he will bring me and Lucy Gray to show that we can be united or something like that. Maybe they won't make me stand in front of everyone and I'll get to stay behind in the building and I'll be able to sneak away and see the Covey we could go to the lake and swim or something like that. I will write a letter to the Covey soon asking about it to tell them everything I know. That's when I hear footsteps. Shoot! I put the paper back in the draw and put the board over it and I put the other paper back on top of it. I close the draws and make sure the papers look exactly how they looked like before. I tiptoe out of the office and I quietly close the door.

"Bri?" I can hear Lucy Gray ask near my door

I walk to the kitchen getting a glass pretending that I am getting some water from the kitchen. Maybe I will get a snack too. It depends. I hear the footsteps quickly go around the house until Lucy Gray walks into the kitchen

"Bri, what are you doing up so late?" Lucy Gray asks me in her worried voice

"I'm getting a glass of water" I say to Lucy Gray

Technically it isn't a lie because I am getting a glass of water, but usually we would ring the bell on our side table so a maid can bring us a glass of water. I can make up a lie about it if she asks further questions

"Why didn't you just ring the bell?" Lucy Gray asks

"I needed to stretch my legs" I say to Lucy Gray

"Is there more to that?" Lucy Gray asks me

"I had a nightmare, I wanted to get up and get a glass of water" I say to Lucy Gray

I mean if I had actually went to sleep I would've had a nightmare, but I didn't fall asleep at all so I could sneak around Coriolanus' office

"Wanna talk 'bout the nightmare?" Lucy Gray asks her accent really coming out

I hadn't noticed she was trying to suppress her accent so much

"No thank you" I say taking a sip of the water

"Ok, let's get you back to bed" Lucy Gray says taking the glass out of my hand and pouring out the water in the sink and putting the glass in the sink

I nod and walk out of the kitchen towards my room, Lucy Gray not far behind me. I walk into my room and I take off my slippers putting them beside my bed and taking off my robe and hanging it up on the hook on my door. I lay in bed and Bean walks up the ramp at the edge of my bed to lay in bed with me. Lucy Gray gets in bed beside me and I snuggle close to her. I am honestly not ready for her to not stay until I fall asleep. It makes me feel a bit more safe when I am in her arms falling asleep. It is like that extra thing to make sure it isn't a dream when I fall asleep. Lucy Gray strokes my hair and hums something trying to help me fall asleep. I try and not fall asleep, I fight my eyes closing, but I can't so I fall asleep in Lucy Gray's arms after about 15 minutes of fighting falling asleep

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