✿》39 - After Party《✿

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Me and Aunt Tigris get in the car to go to the after party. I'm starting to get nervous about performing in front of so many people, but I know this would make Lucy Gray happy. When I was around 8 I performed with the Covey. I did fine on stage, but after I had a huge meltdown and we decided that I wouldn't perform anymore. I am determined to not have a meltdown after performing. I mean it has been 5 years since I have last performed and I have built up a tolerance to the stimulation in loud rooms in those past years so maybe it will be different. I really do hope it will be different because it has been a dream of Lucy Gray's that we perform together someday and I really want to be able to fulfill that. It is also a special day for her so I want to make it even more special with me performing for her. I'm not the best at words always and the songs that I do understand, I use those songs to express how I feel about something. Songs sometimes express exactly how I feel and that's the best way for me to tell people how I feel.

The drive doesn't take long since the after party is in this huge building with a ballroom in it. Aunt Tigris showed me a photo of it. It is so big and it has marble floors which is cool. I'm not performing right away which is good and bad at the same time. There is of course going to be some mingling and then we get food and then probably cake. I'm not exactly sure on the exact plans. We arrive to the front of the building and we get out of the car and walk into the ballroom. It has a large chandelier in the middle hanging from the ceiling and there are pillars holding up the ceiling. It has white walls and there are tables around the side and a place in the middle where you can dance. There is a small stage that has been set up and there is a band playing songs already on the stage. I decide since they are playing I can tune my guitar without anyone noticing

"I'm going to go tune my guitar" I say to Aunt Tigris

"Ok, I'll come get you when it is time to perform" Aunt Tigris says

I nod and I walk to behind where the stage is and I unlock my guitar case and take out my guitar. It's a bit loud but I can hear my guitar strings. I start to tune the E string and I go down from there. It doesn't take me much time to tune my guitar since I have been playing the guitar for so long it gets easier over time. Once I am done tuning I put my guitar back in its case and lock it again. I go and look around the ballroom for anyone that I know. I see Aemilia and them but that's not who I was hoping to see. I keep looking around and I find Bea in the crowd with Mr and Mrs. Ring. I walk over to Bea and I smile at her waiting for her to notice me

"Briar Rose!" Bea says hugging me tightly

I smile and hug her back. I missed Bea so much. You would think being in that cellar would make us not want to see each other ever again, but we bonded when we were down there. I think we are close but we haven't really said we were close or anything. I'm going to try and get her landline number so we can talk on the phone because not seeing or hearing her made me sad.

"I missed you" I say to Bea

"I missed you too" Bea says

"Hi Mr and Mrs. Ring" I say to the both of them

"Hi Briar Rose, how are you?" Mrs. Ring asks

"I'm good, I'm all healed up now as you can see" I say to Mrs. Ring

"Yes you are" Mr. Ring says

I smile and me and Bea go and sit at a table. I swing my legs back and forth while sitting in the chair and I look at the band that is playing. They are playing boring music, it's really slow and nothing like what the Covey plays. It sounds a lot like classical music which is boring because there aren't any words. I mean I like all music this is just my least favorite type of music. It makes me super sleepy. It isn't too late so I'm not tired so I should be fine

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