✿》25 - Stay In Bed《✿

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I wake up in the morning not feeling so well. I still feel exhausted and I have a sore throat and I cough and a runny nose, and more I just don't feel good at all. I just want to go back to sleep. I close my eyes and hold Cuppy close to me and I try and go back to sleep. I hear the door open and footsteps coming in

"Is she still sleeping?" Coriolanus asks

"It looks like it" Lucy Gray says

"It's almost noon, she doesn't wake up any later than 10am" Coriolanus says

That is true. If I have had a very overwhelming day the day before I sleep for awhile but I always stay to a schedule

"I'll wake her up to see if she is ok" Lucy Gray says and I hear footsteps getting closer to me

I feel the bed dip down and Lucy Gray starts to stroke my hair and hum a song trying to wake me up in the most gentle way possible. I groan and flip over so I'm not facing Lucy Gray

"Come on Briar Rose, it's time to wake up sleepyhead" Lucy Gray says

"No I'm tired let me sleep more" I say tiredly

"Do you feel ok?" Lucy Gray asks putting her hand on my forehead to see if I have a fever

"No, I feel sick" I say coughing a little bit

"What are your symptoms?" Lucy Gray asks

"Cough, sore throat, runny nose, and I'm tired" I say

"It sounds like a cold, but we'll keep an eye out for any other symptoms" Coriolanus says

"Good idea, I'm gonna give her a bath to see if I can bring her fever down a bit" Lucy Gray says

They're talking like I can't hear them which is weird but I guess people do that sometimes

"Ok, I'll be in my office doing work" Coriolanus says as I hear his footsteps receding

"Ok, let's take a bath" Lucy Gray says picking me up and walking to the bathroom

Lucy Gray sits me down on the sink and starts to get the bathtub ready for a bath. I yawn and my eyes flutter as I try not to fall asleep. I am so tired and I don't feel good and all I want to do is sleep right now

"I want to sleep" I say quietly

"I know, but a bath might help you feel better and then you can lay on the couch and watch tv" Lucy Gray says turning off the water because the tub is full

"Ok" I say tiredly

"Let's get in the bath" Lucy Gray says helping me take off my pajamas and helping me into the bathtub

I lay down in the bath feeling the lukewarm water it isn't hot but it isn't too cold but it feels a bit cold. I lay in the water a little bit before Lucy Gray scrubs my body and massages me if she feels any tension. That makes me even more tired and I almost fall asleep

"Come on Bri stay awake for me" Lucy Gray says

I open my eyes and Lucy Gray leans my head back pouring water through my hair and putting shampoo in my hair lathering it in and massaging my scalp. She pours water while my head is leaned back so I don't get soap in my eyes. She then puts some conditioner in my hair and washes that out too. I lay in the bath for a little bit before Lucy Gray helps me get out of the bath and wraps a towel around me. I shiver from being cold and we both walk into my room. Lucy Gray picks out a pair of long sleeve and pant pajamas that have small red and white checkers on them. It has a collar on the shirt and a pocket on the left side of the shirt. I put on the pajamas and I sit down on the chair to the vanity so Lucy Gray can brush my hair. She makes sure not to pull too hard on my hair

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