✿》32 - Wake Up Call《✿

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I wake up in a white room with wires and tubes in my arms. I look around my eyes wide

"Bea?" I ask

I see Lucy Gray come into my view. She looks awful. It looks like she hasn't slept or eaten in weeks

"Hey sweetheart" Lucy Gray says smiling a bit

"Where's Bea?" I ask Lucy Gray

"Who's Bea?" Lucy Gray asks

"I want Bea, let me see Bea" I say to Lucy Gray tears coming to my eyes

"I don't know who Bea is Bri" Lucy Gray says

"I. Want. Bea" I yell at Lucy Gray starting to cry

I know I shouldn't yell at Lucy Gray but I am scared and what if something happened to Bea. I need to make sure Bea is ok

"Ok, ok calm down I'll go see if I can find anything out. Daddy will be here soon" Lucy Gray says walking out of the room and closing the door behind her

I smell the familiar hospital smell and my eyes dart around the room. I want to go home back to District 12. I don't want to be in this miserable place anymore. Lucy Gray walks back in and sits in the chair next to me

"They are bringing her here. They said she was here everyday when we weren't here looking after you" Lucy Gray says

My lips quirk up into a small smile. Of course she would look after me when Lucy Gray and Coriolanus weren't here

"I'm glad you're awake" Lucy Gray says holding on to my hand with a smile

My body tenses up a bit when she touches me but I immediately relax

"I'm sorry I said that I hated you before everything happened. I don't hate you I was just mad and it came out of my mouth" I say to Lucy Gray

"I know" Lucy Gray says rubbing her thumb on the back of my hand

"I-I'm sorry" I say new tears starting to fall down my cheeks

"I know" Lucy Gray says wiping the tears rolling down my cheeks

"Looks like someone is awake" Bea says walking in with an IV pole

"Hi Bea" I say smiling a bit

"How are you feeling?" Bea asks sitting in a chair

"Sore. How are you feeling?" I ask Bea

"I feel good" Bea says

"Why haven't you gone home yet you look good to me" I say to Bea

"Briar Rose you can't say that" Lucy Gray says chastising me a bit

I ignore her and I keep looking at Bea

"They died" Bea says quietly

"Even your older brother?" I ask Bea

"Yeah apparently there was an outbreak of some kind in District 9, killed a lot of people including everyone in my family" Bea says

"I'm so sorry Bea. You still have me. I know it's not the same but you still have me" I say to Bea

"I know" Bea says

I put my arms out so Bea can have a hug. She carefully hugs me and I hug her back

"Just needed to know you were ok" I whisper in Bea's ear while we hug

She nods a bit and lets go of the hug

"I know" she says

"What's going to happen to you now?" I ask Bea

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