✿》38 - Wedding《✿

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Today is the day that Lucy Gray and Coriolanus are getting married and I think my last name will officially be Snow...I think. I'm honestly not sure. I get to be the flower girl though which is nice I guess. Wedding ceremonies are always so long and I have to stand in the front the whole time. In front of all these people who I don't know. My friends will be there and I think Bea is coming too. I haven't seen her in a while. Not since being in the hospital. It has been over a month since I have seen her and I miss her a lot. She is also my sister and important to me. I do hope that I get to see her today, I really do. Right now I am in Lucy and Coriolanus' room laying on their bed reading a book with Bean next to me. I'm anxious about the wedding and all the people who are going to be there. I'm trying not to show it, but I suck at hiding emotions and Lucy Gray is busy with Aunt Tigris getting ready for the wedding. Although it is only noon apparently getting ready for weddings takes a while and Aunt Tigris still has to get me ready too. Lucy Gray's hair is half up and half down her hair is curled. Even though it is naturally curly she sometimes straightens it here. Sh has some white flowers weaved into her hair and right now Aunt Tigris is putting make-up on Lucy Gray. I cricket my feet as I read my book trying to have a repetitive motion to calm me down in some way. I still haven't told Lucy Gray anything about what happened when I was kidnapped. I think I'm going to tell her soon some time after the wedding. I'm almost ready to share with her about what happened. I'm not gonna share with her what I saw in the office because I don't want her to know I was sneaking around Coriolanus' office.

Right now I am reading a book about jabberjays. I woulda rather read a book about mockingjays but Coriolanus woulda never let me and I don't think there are any books about mockingjays since they are fairly new. Coriolanus hates mockingjays for some reason. I'm not sure why though, but his face when Lucy Gray talks about them he makes a certain face and it's the same face every time. Sometimes I almost laugh at it, but I suppress that laugh. Mockingjays are so pretty and free. They can repeat any tune you sing to them and it echos with each bird. I miss them so much, I miss the woods and making up melodies with Lucy Gray in the woods. Even when reading a book about jabberjays clearly not a lot is known about them. They only know the basic stuff about them even though the Capitol made these birds. Shouldn't they know a lot about them if they made them. They also made them during the war so they have had some time to look at them and study them. This book mostly talks about what jabberjays were used for during the war and how they just set them free into the wild after the war was over. They got to be free from the cages, but last year they were catching the birds to send back to the Capitol so they could study them. It's sad that they are caged again after being free for some time. I look up from my book and I see Lucy Gray getting into her wedding dress. It has a lace top that has some lace embroidery on the skirt. The skirt flows out around Lucy Gray. She looks beautiful, the dress she has on is perfect for her

"What do you think Bri?" Lucy Gray asks

"You look beautiful" I say to Lucy Gray smiling a bit

Lucy Gray smiles widely and walks over to me kissing me on my forehead. I smile at her

"Ok Briar Rose, your turn" Aunt Tigris says

I nod and go and sit at the chair for the vanity. She starts to do my hair putting up into a full up-do with white roses in my hair and a white ribbon in my hair

"Lucy Gray what is it going to look like today?" I ask Lucy Gray

"Well we are going to arrive an hour early at 3pm to make sure everything looks good. You will walk down the aisle with your flower settles and me and Tigris will walk in behind you. You will stand on my side of the alter. We will say our vows and me and Coriolanus will walk me back down the aisle and then there will be an after party with food and music and that will be until 10pm and then we will come back home" Lucy Gray says

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