✿》27 - First Day of School《✿

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I'm sat down at the dining room table eating breakfast. I have on a blue striped dress with a white collar. White socks and button shoes that match my dress. My hair is in two small ponytails that keeps the hair out of my face. Today is my first day of school. Well it's the first day with my tutor. I don't know what they are like Coriolanus hasn't told me anything just that I start today September 8th. I'm sitting with Lucy Gray and Coriolanus eating breakfast. I have a couple of questions. Like what are the rules I have to follow? Can I call Coriolanus and Lucy Gray by their names? Or do I have to call them mama and daddy? Do I have to follow my rules that Lucy Gray made for me? Who is this person? What are they like? I hadn't noticed that I was staring into space

"Briar Rose? Briar Rose?" Lucy Gray asks

"Yes?" I say looking over to Lucy Gray

"What are you thinking about?" Lucy Gray asks

"Today" I say

"What about today?" Lucy Gray asks

"Just some questions" I say

"What questions do you have?" Coriolanus asks

"I have a lot of questions" I say to Coriolanus

"Start with your first one?" Coriolanus says

"What rules do I have to follow?" I ask

"Well you have to refer to me and Lucy Gray as mama and daddy and the rules that Lucy Gray gave to you" Coriolanus says

"Who is the tutor?" I ask Coriolanus

"Her name is Fauna. I have heard many good things about her. She is highly liked" Coriolanus says

I nod a bit and go back to eating my breakfast

"What time is she coming and leaving?" I ask Coriolanus

"She comes at noon and leaves at 3pm" Coriolanus says

"And what will I be learning?" I ask Coriolanus

"You will be learning history, science, math, literature, and drawing" Coriolanus says

I nod and finish eating my breakfast. I have about an hour and a half until the tutor gets here and since I will be learning I think I am going to go watch tv for a bit

"May I be excused" I say

"You may" Lucy Gray says

I get up and I push in my chair and I walk to the parlor where the tv is. I turn on the kids channel to see if they have any good shows on. They do which is good and I sit on the couch and I watch tv for the next hour and a half not really caring about anything that is going on around me

"The tutor is here for you in the study Briar Rose" Lucy Gray says standing in the doorway of the parlor

"Ok" I say turning off the tv and walking over to Lucy Gray taking her hand

We walk hand in hand to the study where a woman with red hair, brown eyes, an oval shaped face, she's a few inches taller than Lucy Gray and is wearing a pencil skirt and a suit top with a white shirt under it. She looks to be about 25 years old. She looks nice which is the good part

"Hello Briar Rose, I'm Fauna, it's nice to meet you" She says

"It's nice to meet you too" I say as Lucy Gray leads me to the chair across from Fauna

I sit down in the chair and look at the folder that Fauna has on the table. It has a lot of papers in it. I hope that isn't all for today because that would be a lot of work. Lucy Gray squeezes my hand and let's go of my hand

Colorful FlowersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora