✿》17 - Running Away《✿

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I wake up to Lucy Gray humming a tune and brushing my hair a little bit

"Good morning sleepyhead" Lucy Gray whispers

"What time is it?" I ask

"Before dawn, it's time to go" Lucy Gray says

I rub my eyes sleepily

"I have your sundress to put on" Lucy Gray says showing me my sundress draped over her arm

I yawn and stand up putting on my sundress, and I pick up Cuppy. I can't go anywhere without Cuppy at all so he is coming with me.

I walk down the ladder behind Lucy Gray and I go and put on my shoes quietly. Tam Amber is sitting in one of the chairs silently sipping some milk

"Where ya off to?" Tam Amber asks

"We're going to see about a goat" Lucy Gray says pulling on her shoes

Tam Amber just nods and Lucy Gray holds out her hand for me to take. I take her hand and we walk out the house walking quickly towards the hanging tree. I've only been there a couple of times because Lucy Gray doesn't alow me and Maude Ivory to go to hangings. Say I'm not old enough yet. She says when I turn twelve I can start going to the hangings. My birthday is coming up, I usually get a new book for my birthday but that won't be happening this year since we won't be near anyone

"How you feeling bout running away?" Lucy Gray asks me

I shrug

"I guess it will be nice to be away from socializing with so many people" I say just as we get to the hanging tree

"Yeah that will be nice for you" Lucy Gray says walking past the hanging tree and going into a clearing near the hanging tree

I look at the hanging tree as we pass it and keep walking. We stand there for a little bit waiting for Coriolanus to come also. It doesn't take long until Coriolanus comes to the hanging tree looking around a little bit before he spots us in the clearing. He walks towards us and Lucy Gray runs into his arms hugging him and kissing him. Gross. I stand there awkwardly before they pull apart

"This seems very bright for fugitives" Coriolanus says putting his hand on the orange scarf that is in her hair

"Well, I don't want you to lose me and Briar Rose. You still up for this?" Lucy Gray says smiling

"I have no choice. You two are all that matters to me" Coriolanus says smiling a bit

"You, too" Lucy Gray says

"I'm sorry, I couldn't risk bringing anything much" Coriolanus says

"I didn't think you could. I've been collecting all this, and I raided our storeroom, too. It's okay. I left the Covey the rest of the money. They'll be ok" Lucy Gray says putting a pack over her shoulder and once again holding out her hand for me to hold

I take her hand and I hold it tightly waiting to leave

"What will they do? I mean, the band. Without you two" Coriolanus says

"Oh, they'll get by. They can all carry a tune, and Maude Ivory's just a few years away from replacing me as lead singer anyway. Besides, the way trouble seems to find me, I may be wearing out my welcome in District Twelve. Last night the commander told me not to sing 'The Hanging Tree' anymore. Too dark, he said. Too rebellious, more like it. I promised he's never hear it from my lips again" Lucy Gray says

"It's a strange song" Coriolanus says

"Well, I like it. It has real authority" I say piping into the conversation

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