✿》14 - The Lake《✿

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I wake up to the birds chirping outside and the sun beaming through the window. I rub my eyes and close my eyes again wanting to go back to sleep. I hear someone climb up the ladder to the loft and brush some hair out of my face

"Briar Rose it's time to wake up" Lucy Gray says softly

I groan "A couple more minutes" I say flipping over

"Come on we're going to the lake today" Lucy Gray says

"We're going with Coriolanus and Sejanus. I don't want to go" I say

"Briar Rose we talked about this, you don't have to trust them but trust me, ok? Everything will be fine, ok?" Lucy Gray says

"Fine" I say not very happy about it

"Ok, I brought up your bathing suit and and sundress because Coriolanus and Sejanus are already here" Lucy Gray says handing me my dress and bathing suit before going down the ladder of the loft allowing me some privacy

I put on my bathing suit and sundress and pick up a book and Cuppy and I climb down the ladder seeing everyone on the back porch. I quickly put on my shoes which are now tighter than ever I just won't complain about them. I go outside with everyone else and we start to walk away from the house. Barb Azure stays behind because she has a new girlfriend and they probably want to spend time together. Once we are far enough from the house, Lucy Gray starts to say something

"She just started seeing a gal down the road. Probably glad to have the place to themselves for the day" Lucy Gray says to Coriolanus

Tam Amber leads us the way towards the lake once we get to the woods we form a single file line. I am in the way back behind Lucy Gray. I like being in the back so I can take in nature without anyone stepping on my heels. We walk for a little longer before Coriolanus stops to pick up a walking stick. I'm not really paying attention so I accidentally bump into Lucy Gray. I have a sheepish smile on my face

"Sorry, was looking at the plants" I say

"It's ok Bri" Lucy Gray says

Only Lucy Gray is allowed to call me that nickname and I make it clear to everyone including the Covey. Me and Lucy Gray have nicknames for each other. I call her Lulu, but only once in a while now

Coriolanus turns back to us with a face of question

"How does he know the way" Coriolanus asks about Tam Amber

"We all know the way, it's our second home" Lucy Gray says as we continue to walk to the lake

We keep walking for a little longer before Tam Amber stops in an opening in the brush

"About halfway" Tam Amber says

We pass around the bag of water from the ice and then we suck on the remaining ice cubes from bag. That's when Maude Ivory starts to complain about her feet hurting and she takes off one of her shoes showing a pretty large blister on her foot

"These shoes don't walk right" Maude Ivory says

"They're an old pair of Clerk Carmine's. We're trying to make them last the summer" Lucy Gray says while looking at Maude Ivory's foot with a frown on her face

"They're too tight. I want herring boxes like in the song" Maude Ivory says

"How about a ride instead?" Sejanus asks crouching down so Maude Ivory can climb on his back

Maude Ivory climbs on to his back

"That's no fair, I want a ride too" I say pouting a little bit

"I'll give you a ride" Coriolanus says crouching down so I can hop on his back

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