✿》12 - Meeting《✿

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I wake up early because that is what Lucy Gray does and I like going down to the meadow with her. I put on a long sleeve shirt that is very breathable and a yellow cover dress. I get a book out of my pile and I get Cuppy and I climb down the ladder of the loft. I see Lucy Gray sitting on one of the chairs eating a piece of bread. Usually early in the morning I don't like talking at all so making sure I don't scare Lucy Gray is hard. I sit on the floor and I put on my shoes. They feel even tighter now and I'm not very happy about it. I get a bag and I put my book and Cuppy in it and I go and get a jar and I fill it with water

"Morning Briar Rose" Lucy Gray says

"Morning" I mumble putting the jar of water in my bag

"I cut you a piece of bread" Lucy Grays says pointing to a piece of bread on the table

I sit on one of the chairs and I eat the piece of bread. I wait for Lucy Gray after I finish my bread to say we should go

"Ok, let's go. I need your opinion on a couple of songs" Lucy Gray says standing up and holding out her hand that isn't holding her guitar

"What about Shamus?" I ask

"Oh yeah let me get Shamus, you hold on to Shamus ok?" Lucy Gray says

I nod and take Lucy Gray's hand we go and get Shamus and I hold on to the rope around her neck as we walk towards the meadow to our special spot. We walk for a little bit in silence before Lucy Gray starts to hum something I haven't heard before. I listen to her hum trying to get with the pattern of it and after a little bit I do and I start to hum along harmonizing with her.

I have always been really good with patterns. Finding something that is the same in anything is super easy for me and sometimes it comes in handy especially with songs.

"I've never hummed this one before how are you already harmonizing with me?" Lucy Gray asks squeezing my hand for a quick second before she goes back to how she was holding it before

"The pattern in the melody was pretty easy to find" I say looking ahead and seeing the rock that Lucy Gray usually sits on

"Of course it was for you" Lucy Gray says smiling a little bit

We get to the rock and Lucy Gray sits down on the rock and I tie Shamus up to something close enough to something she can graze on. I sit up against the tree and I pull out my book resting it on my lap and opening it. I start to read my book while Lucy Gray plays with a few chords on the guitar and hums along with the chords switching some of the chords up trying to find the right ones for the song she is making. This goes on for another hour or so

"You ready to listen?" Lucy Gray asks

I nod and mark my page in my book and I close it signifying that I am listening

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where they strung up a man they say murdered three?
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where the dead man called out for his love to flee?
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

"It's not completely done yet, but that is what I have so far" Lucy Gray says

"It's really good so far like always. is it about the hanging that happened? The one you didn't allow me to go to?" I ask

"Yeah it's about the hanging" Lucy Gray says with a sad smile

"Well as I said before it's super good. You could fix a couple of the chords though to go with the song a little better" I say

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