✿》44 - National Heroes Day《✿

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"Why Coryo? Why? All I am asking is why" Lucy Gray says whisper yelling

I wake up to this happening in the middle of the night. Why the middle of the night? I mean I get they don't want me to hear it but clearly they aren't being quiet enough because I got woken up

"Because it isn't safe there" Coriolanus says

"It's our home we should know if it is safe or not" Lucy Gray says

"Well it is my decision" Coriolanus says

"Is it though? Because the last time I checked, I have been taking care of Briar Rose her whole life. I should be making the decisions about what she should and shouldn't do" Lucy Gray says

"Well I am her father now, and father's make the decisions" Coriolanus says

"She doesn't think of you as a father Coriolanus" Lucy Gray says

I don't hear anything from Coriolanus after that. She is right Coriolanus is not my father and he never will be. I don't really listen to his decisions because he doesn't really get that say over me. He's known me for less than a year why would I listen to him

"Coriolanus, eventually she is going to break because District 12 is her home. Her family is back in District 12. At least just bring us to see District 12. Sooner or later from all her emotions about not being able to go home will lead to burnout and you don't want that" Lucy Gray says

"I don't care Lucy Gray, you aren't going back to District 12 it isn't safe! You are staying in the Capitol no matter what!" Coriolanus says raising his voice a bit

"Coriolanus I don't get how you can't put your ego second for once in your life and be able to make Briar Rose happy about something for once" Lucy Gray says back

"She is plenty happy. She has everything she could ever need" Coriolanus says

"You can't buy her happiness!" Lucy Gray says

"She seems happy!" Coriolanus says

"Coriolanus she wants to go visit home. She is worried about the Covey and she knows you are going in May, she will find a way to get on that train no matter what....we both will" Lucy Gray says

"You will both be staying here no matter what! I don't care if I am going or not. You are staying here!" Coriolanus says

"Can you pull your own head out of your ass for once in your life and think about how much Briar Rose misses home. How much we both miss home Coriolanus! She just wants to visit, not go there and never come back! You need to understand!" Lucy Gray says

"Understand?! I already understand completely! You are both two selfish people who can't leave their dirty life behind!" Coriolanus says

"Do you know what I am going to Briar Rose's room so you can calm down and we can talk about this later because you are not thinking clearly" Lucy Gray says and I can hear their door opening

I close my eyes and I hug Cuppy close to my chest. I want her to think I was asleep and not listening to their conversation. I hear my door quietly open and close and I feel my bed dip down and arms wrap around me. I smile a bit and I turn around so I am facing Lucy Gray and I snuggle myself closer to her

"Are you awake hon?" Lucy Gray asks

"Mhm" I say to her

"Have you been awake long?" Lucy Gray asks

"No" I say to Lucy Gray

"Good" Lucy Gray says

I don't say anything and Lucy Gray strokes my hair. I still have time until I have to wake up to get dressed and ready for National Hero's Day. I keep my eyes close and I allow my body to relax in Lucy Gray's arms. I feel safe in her arms. Like everything is going to be ok even if it doesn't feel like it at the moment. Coriolanus is only thinking about himself and not allowing me and Lucy Gray to visit home. It's stupid and he won't even give a good reason why. I hate when people don't give good reasons because that means they probably don't have a reason at all. I mean why would I think Coriolanus would have a good reason he is so controlling over anything and everything. I mean I know he made Lucy Gray marry him, but he did something to win her back when I was in the hospital because of the bullet

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