✿》2 - Talks《✿

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I wake up to the sounds of screaming throughout the house. Not again. This is the third night in a row that Maude Ivory has woken up from a nightmare screaming. It started when Lucy Gray got reaped 3 days ago.

"Shhh it's ok it was just a dream" Barb Azure says trying to soothe Maude Ivory

"I-it was Lucy Gray and she was in the arena and she got killed" Maude Ivory says hiccuping while speaking

"I know it was just a dream" Barb Azure says

I can feel a pang of guilt. I can't help but think these nightmares are because of me and what I said to Maude Ivory after the reaping. Making her believe that Lucy Gray is going to die. I mean I think she is going to die as much as I would like to believe she could win there is a very slim chance that she will win.

"Can you sing me the meadow song?" Maude Ivory asks

"Ok, close your eyes" Barb Azure says

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise.

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay
And when again it's morning, they'll wash away.

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you

That is one of Maude Ivory's favorite songs. Lucy Gray sung it to her when she had croup. Although the song put Maude Ivory back to sleep only my sisters singing can put me to sleep oddly enough.

I stare into the darkness going over facts about animals in my head. 'Only female reindeer have their antlers in the winter',  'male seahorses give birth to the babies instead of the mother', 'there are over 3000 species of snakes', 'otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't float away from each other', 'mockingjays are offspring of jaberjays and mockingbirds'

I have so many more facts that I know but they just aren't coming to mind right now. I wish there was something I could use to read a book with, but there isn't so I have to lay here staring at the ceiling.

"Briar Rose what are you doing up still?" Barb Azure whispers to me

How does she know that I am awake. I swear she is a witch or something

"Can't fall back asleep" I whisper back

"Are you tryin to sleep or are you having lots of thoughts?" Barb Azure whispers asking

"I'm kinda tryin, I'm just going through animal facts in my head I just can't seem to get anymore which is unusual" I whisper back

"Would saying them out loud help?" Barb Azure asks

"No....I don't think so" I whisper

"How about you try?" She says

"Ok, ummm, hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards" I say

"That's a cool fact" she says

"Mhm, Barb Azure?" I ask

"Yeah?" She says

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