✿》24 - Girls Day《✿

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I wake up and gasp a little looking at Bean

"Bean guess what? Aunt Tigris is taking me out today on a girls day" I say to Bean excited while petting her

Bean wags her tail and starts trying to lick my arm. I giggle and pick her up putting my face close to hers so she can lick me on the face. I smile and slide off my bed with Bean and I go into Lucy Gray's and Coriolanus' room. I put Bean on their bed and I hide at the edge of the bed so they can't see me

"Bean what are you doing here?" Lucy Gray asks groggily

I go and flop on top of Lucy Gray and giggle

"Girls day with Aunt Tigris is today" I say squealing

Lucy Gray laughs and wraps her arms around me kissing the top of my head

"What are you doing in here sweetheart?" Coriolanus asks groggily

"Girls day with Aunt Tigris is today" I say happily

Coriolanus yawns and Bean goes and licks him

"You have to get dressed first" Lucy Gray says laughing a bit

"I think I'm going to stay right here" I say snuggling close to Lucy Gray

"How about some breakfast in bed before you go and get dressed?" Coriolanus asks

I look at Lucy Gray a bit confused. Why would we have breakfast in bed? That doesn't really make sense at all

"Why would we have breakfast in bed?" I ask Coriolanus

"It's seen as a treat, you get to eat while you're still in bed" Coriolanus says

"Ohh ok" I say still a bit confused by it but I go along with it anyways

"Caroline?" Coriolanus yells from bed

"Yes sir" Caroline says opening the door

"We would like breakfast in bed today" Coriolanus says

"Yes sir, it will be right in" Caroline says closing the door

I yawn and snuggle close to Lucy Gray the excitement starting to wash away and I start to get tired again

"Are you getting tired again hon?" Lucy Gray asks rubbing my back

I nod a little bit and close my eyes wanting to go back to sleep

"Breakfast in bed, sir" Pontus says bringing the food into the room and placing it on the bed

"Thank you Pontus" Coriolanus says

"Ok let's sit up Briar Rose" Lucy Gray says sitting us both up

I open my eyes and I take one of the trays looking at all the food on the plate and making sure no food touches each other. This morning we are having scrambled eggs, tater tots, and toast. I really like tater tots they taste really good so I will save them for last to eat. My least favorite is eggs so I will eat those first then the toast then the tater tots. When I'm done eating I wait for Lucy Gray and Coriolanus to be done

"You should go get dressed Briar Rose. Tigris should be here soon" Coriolanus says

"Ok" I say rolling over Lucy Gray and sliding off the bed

I go and pick up Bean off the bed before she can get to any of the food and I walk out of the door and to my room and I see a floral dress on my bed that is collared and has buttons from the top to the bottom of the dress. There is blue, orange, pink, white, yellow, red, and some light pink flowers all over the dress. With white socks and blue shoes. I put Bean down in her bed and I get dressed into my clothes. My hair is all over the place and I wonder what me and Aunt Tigris are going to do today. Maybe Lucy Gray can braid my hair for me. I get my hairbrush and two hair ties and I walk out of my room and into Lucy Gray and Coriolanus' room. I see Lucy Gray at her vanity getting ready

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