✿》5 - Interview《✿

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"Come on Tam Amber we're gonna miss Lucy Gray's interview. I heard the peacekeepers said it would start at 6, by the position of the moon it is 7" I say starting to get anxious that we will miss Lucy Gray's interview

"I'm working on it Briar Rose, you have to do this carefully" Tam Amber says still twiddling with the tv trying to get it to work

A few minutes later the tv turns on and Tam Amber backs away from the tv carefully as to not mess up the tv. That's when Lucy Gray pops up on the tv. I smile seeing our mama's dress on her looking almost new. How does it look newer than it did when she left. It's been almost two weeks since she has left, but it has felt like an eternity.

Lucy Gray steps up to the microphone with a very nice looking guitar that is way nicer than our guitar here

"Good evening, I'm Lucy Gray Baird of The Covey Baird's" Lucy Gray says looking straight into the camera

She's talking about our band

"I started writing this song in District 12 before I knew what the ending would be. It's my words set to an old tune. Where I'm from we call it a ballad" she says

That's a song that tells a story

"It's a song that tells a story and I guess this is mine. The Ballad of Lucy Gray Baird. I hope you like it" Lucy Gray says getting a chord ready on the guitar she is playing

When I was a babe I fell down in the holler.
When I was a girl I fell into your arms.
We fell on hard times and we lost our bright color.
You went to the dogs and I lived by my charms.

I danced for my dinner, spread kisses like honey.
You stole and you gambled and I said you should.
We sang for our suppers, we drank up our money.
Then one day you left, saying I was no good.

Well, all right, I'm bad, but then, you're no prize either.
All right, I'm bad, but then, that's nothing new.
You say you won't love me, I won't love you neither.
Just let me remind you who I am to you.

'Cause I am the one who looks out when you're leaping.
I am the one who knows how you were brave.
And I am the one who heard what you said sleeping.
I'll take that and more when I go to my grave.

It's sooner than later that I'm six feet under.
It's sooner than later that you'll be alone.
So who will you turn to tomorrow, I wonder?
For when the bell rings, lover, you're on your own.

And I am the one who you let see you weeping.
I know the soul that you struggle to save.
Too bad I'm the bet that you lost in the reaping.
Now what will you do when I go to my grave?

When the song finishes I look over at Billy Taupe. I was right it did have something to do with Mayfair, but it was a stupid bet and his stupid gambling . I stand up and go over to Billy Taupe he looks a bit shaken

"What did you do?" I ask him

"I didn't do anything, I thought it was a joke" Billy Taupe says

"Clearly you did something because Lucy Gray is in The Capital for The Hunger Games and her song clearly said something" I say starting to get angrier as I speak

"I'm sorry" Billy Taupe says

"Sorry isn't enough anymore Billy Taupe. This is all your fault. It's your fault Lucy Gray is in The Hunger Games. It's your fault Lucy Gray will probably die. This is all your fault and you know it" I yell at Billy Taupe

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