chapter 58 the story of the cluster

Start from the beginning

"There was a set date for the cluster's emergence, a few years from now actually, I kept that date in my head and not long ago finally acted and stopped the cluster before we'd even need to worry about that date", blue leaned back in the throne and turned the screen off, "when you tried to give us that breakfast, I was talking to the cluster then," she told Steven, Steven remembered and became quite embarrassed, realising how his actions literally put the entire planet at risk. "But If the Cluster is so many gems, how did you speak to them all?" Steven asked blue, holly blue and lapis also wanted to ask this question and both listened in closely, "quite simple actually, I could read all their thoughts and noticed they all had the same want, to be one gem again, and to emerge, so I made a promise to them, I told them If they do not emerge as this fusion I will find their missing parts and one by one reunite them, this promise I regret as now I've only just realised, I will need yellow diamond to help us for this, I can only take them apart, not give them life again," blue's tone changed to one of sadness and she sunk deep into the thrown, covering her face, she had realised her mistake, Steven got off her as pearl nudged her to see if she was ok.

"My diamond, I'm very sure yellow could agree to this if you asked her and she'd surely understand", holly blue agate said, nervously approaching her diamond, "you known she wouldn't", lapis replied, "yellow would never just stop something she worked so hard on, my diamond, I think its best If you just split up the shards, yellow can never find out about this", blue moved her hands away from her face and nodded to lapis.

"Mum?, can I ask you something else?", blue looked at him, her eyes tired, she had aged again, this time back to her normal age, she was no longer in her younger form she took after her birthday. "can I look at the murals again? I really like them!", Steven said, running to the stairs, "yes of course, I'm quite tired, I might sleep, I'll be looking at earth if you want me", blue said, getting off the throne and Walking down the stairs, everyone but holly blue left the top floor, she waited till she was alone to make her call. Steven, pearl and lapis went to look at the murals while blue secretly watched greg washing cars shirtless.

"Hello is this the peridot who will be coming to earth soon?", holly blue secretly whispered into a communication device, "...good good, I'm just advising you bring more backup, maybe some Ruby guards and you can even take some of my amethysts, the crystals gems are a serious threat you know....oh the cluster? That's why you're visiting, the rumours of rose quartz there I've heard have become top priority for you job, so you should focus on her instead!",.

"So I'm mostly interested in white diamond who's she?", Steven guided pearl to the mural, she tried to hide the fact she was very uncomfortable when white was mentioned, "white is...the eldest diamond," pearl struggled to find the correct words to describe her, "she raised blue and yellow and is the creator of homeworld". "Woah! So she's like the cool older sister!", Steven exclaimed, lapis laughed at this, "sister? More like mother", she quietly said to herself, pearl quietly agreed with her, "as lapis lazuli said, she is more of a mother to the other diamonds. When blue and yellow where toddlers she took them under her care and raised them as her own", steven sat down under the mural and listened closely, it looked like all the diamond images where watching over him, "blue diamond was 6 years old when she came under the care of white, I believe the same or younger for yellow".

"Wait", lapis froze and looked at pearl, "white didn't make them? She just found them?", pearl became nervous, she remembered blue only told her these things when very emotional and told her to keep them secret, "yes, that is what My diamond told Me, I do not know about yellow but blue was originally from a family of crecendolls, a now extinct species very similar to humans", she quickly ended the conversation after that and went up the stairs to go and see blue.

"Blue diamond was never a real gem?", lapis mumbled to herself, looking up at the mural of her diamond, "Ugh! WHY ARE YOU SO CONFUSING", she yelled to the image of blue, "when I came out the mirror you act and look so different and now I find out you're not even one of us!?", Steven quietly let her be alone during her rant and walked up the stairs to see blue, he was becoming very tried and wanted to sleep. He stumbled onto the second floor, he payed no attention to blue creeping on his dad and just laid in the corner and fell asleep almost right away, pearl noticed Steven and tried to tell blue but she was too transfixed on watching Greg.

When steven awoke the entire room was white, he looked around confused and then froze when he heard a voice, "but this is what you wanted...", it was blue!, Steven looked forward and saw three shadows, blue diamond, hooded and slightly bent down, yellow behind her and facing away, and pink, she was in front of blue and much shorter than the others, Steven hid in the corner, scared and not knowing where he is or what was going on.

"You begged us for a colony of your own and now all you want to do it be rid of it!," blue lectured pink, pink bowed her head and was completely silent, Steven watched in awe, blue sounded so different, nothing like her usual quiet or fun self, she was loud and mean here. "First there where too many organics and then their cities where too hard to dismantle and now these crystal gems!? We are tried of you excuses, pink. This rose quartz can't hurt you!", pink tried to reply but blue put her hand in front of her face, "enough!", her tone changed and she softy touched pink's chin, "you must understand, you are a diamond and everyone on this planet is looking at you, you don't need to do anything, just smile and wave, your gems will all fall into line and these crystal gems will be no more, as long as you are here this colony will be completed". Blue and yellow walked off and left pink alone, Steven continued to watch her, as he looked at her he noticed a shadow appear in the corner, rose quartz, she was pulling out a sword, "NO STOP WAIT!", Steven cried, jumping up and trying to run, but it was too late.

"NO STOP!", Steven screamed, waking up revealing it was all a dream, blue squeaked and turned around as fast as she could, turning off the globe she used to stalk greg on. "Your clarity are you okay!?", holly blue ran down the stairs to check on him, lapis and pearl where both looking at him, terrified. "What did you see?", blue sheepishly asked him, fearing the reason he screamed was because he witnessed his mother's obsession with watching his father. "I-i saw pink diamond", Steven said, breathing heavily and very shaken up. everyone gasped and turned to face blue, who was frozen still in shock. "What did you see? Was pink here?", blue asked him again, walking closer to him, she wasn't blinking and her eyes where as wide as possible, she looked unhinged, pearl watched in fear, fearing another meltdown could happen. "She was, just here, nothing bad, until the end, I saw rose quartz, she was pulling out her sword and-"I understand", blue hushed Steven before he became emotional, "it's best we leave now, we've already seen why we are here and don't want to bring back any more bad memories, let's get you home".

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