Yours truly

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A/N I am so sorry for not updating in so long!! School has been super busy and stuff but here's another chapter, trying to add more fluff! Enjoy.


It's been a week since the incident with Draco. Honestly me and Mattheo haven't done much other than the odd, extremely uncomfortable hand holding on our trips to class, but apart from that, we hadn't fully succeeded in making Draco jealous yet.

Me and Mattheo agreed that we would wait until Draco flipped out before ending this whole fake relationship thing we had going on, but that hadn't happened yet; which is quite frustrating as being with Mattheo at the moment was unbearably excruciating.

His ego was incredibly large and infuriating, the way he just assumed every girl was in love with him. God it angered me so much, but to give him credit where it's due, most girls did adore him.

I tiredly strode up the Slytherin common room steps, I had previously spent the entirety of the night in the libary until I was eventually kicked out by the librarian. I was exhausted from all this studying I was doing on top of worrying about Harry's tournament and me and Mattheos fake relationship.

I yawned dramatically before sighing and falling backwards onto my bed, allowing my body to sink into the mattress and feeling the feathered duvet covers conceal over my body. Despite my hatred for the people in the school, Hogwarts itself was beautiful. It's beige brick walls, it's cold autumn breeze and old fashioned architecture. As someone who didn't have a designated home, Hogwarts was the closest I was going to get.

I smiled vaguely as I gazed out the detailed archways of a window. Ever since the situation with Draco, me and Pansy convinced Professor Snape to allow us to move dorm rooms and luckily we scored a dorm that was strategically placed perfectly at the back of the castle; meaning we got the best view out of the student population, mind you, I'm probably slightly biased. The view was stunning, it loomed over the whomping willow and looked out onto black lake which was established infront of mysterious mountains fading into the distance.

It wasn't long before my peaceful attempt at a window-gazing session was interrupted by the gawking of an incoming owl, a letter folded between its beak. It's wings frantically flapping and striding towards me. I hurriedly opened the window slightly; the cold breeze hitting my cheeks and making my nose turn pink.

Soon enough the owl dropped the letter into my lap before gracefully gliding away, I turned my attention to the letter that I assumed was from Sirius but was immediately proved wrong upon seeing the state of the handwriting. A smile formed across my face as I ripped it open and it read:

'To Y/N,

The plan isn't working. We don't seem believable enough. We seem nothing but a socially awkward couple who can't seem to get close. It's embarrassing for the both of us. So i've decided to take matters into my own hands.
Meet me outside the whomping willow at midnight tonight. Don't be late.

Yours truly,
- M.R
(Ps, wear something warm.)"

I laughed a couple times at his blatant spelling mistakes, my smile faded suddenly when I realised I had to spend time with Mattheo. He was alright sometimes, but that was only when he didn't speak and we were often in a group of people, but spending one on one time with him? God it could not get any worse.

He did have a fair point though, we weren't believable, it was obvious to anyone who had a slight cell of common sense which mind you is barely anyone at this school, but you get my point.
I groaned at the thought of leaving my bed. Cant a girl get a second of relaxation before being forced into the world of stupid boy drama?

I opted on an off the shoulder red, knitted jumper paired with some simplistic black jeans and a matching velvet bow.

I took a quick glance of myself in the mirror, fixed my hair and quietly tip toed my way through the Slytherin common room, praying that the Slytherin prefects wouldn't find me wandering the halls

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I took a quick glance of myself in the mirror, fixed my hair and quietly tip toed my way through the Slytherin common room, praying that the Slytherin prefects wouldn't find me wandering the halls. Luckily for me, I had briefly/temporarily stolen Harry's invisibility cloak which I swiftly swung over my head, covering my body and face.

A sudden cold air hit my shoulders, gosh, Mattheo was right; it was freezing!
I satisfyingly smirked at the sound of crunching leaves cracking beneath my feet, before glancing up shocked at the sight of Mattheo Riddle himself standing next to a motorbike, holding two helmets.

I audibly laughed loudly before covering my mouth, realising I may wake other students and get us caught. I ran over to Mattheo and laughed in a slight whisper.

"What so funny?" Mattheo asked, seeming taken aback and upset.
"This!" I chuckled, pointing at the bike, "I'm not getting on that if that's what your suggesting." I grinned, bringing my hand up to my mouth to cover up my laugh and slight smile.

Mattheo was quick to grab my wrist and pull my arm down to my side.
"I never realised you had dimples." He smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear and softening his gaze as he remained eye contact with me.
I blushed furiously, attempting to hide it by looking at the floor, rubbing my shoulders and shivering slightly.

"I warned you it would be cold." He laughed, "Here, take this."

Mattheo handed me a oversized, worn-out black leather jacket. It was definitely bigger than my preferred size of hoodie but it would do for the time being, I guess...

"Thanks." I smiled awkwardly, pulling my hair out from beneath the jacket.

"Shall we get going?" He queried, gesturing his hand towards the bike.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, "I told you i'm not getting on that.. thing."

"Why are you scared? I promise I won't let you fall off, just c'mon!" Mattheo grinned, intertwining his vainy hand with mine and pulling me closer to the bike.


"Ladies first." He smirked.

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