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"You're a slytherin?" he smiled at me.

I nodded, holding my heart and struggling to form words.

"You never mentioned being a Slytherin in our little letters." Sirius spoke, putting his hand on my back, making me flinch at his touch and indicating for us to sit down.

"I didn't know you were a quidditch player either." He smirked at me, looking down at my hoodie.

"I'm not." I said, exasperated.

"Ah. She speaks!" He beamed.

I just looked at him, that's all it took for the silence to break.

"I'm sorry Y/N. This must be so confusing for you." He spoke.

I nodded, yet again confused on how to respond.

"I'm not here to kill Harry. All these things you see plastered onto the newspaper are nothing but pure misinformation and lies." My father spoke.

I looked up at him, "How can I be sure?".

He sighed, "You can't."

I looked down at the floor, saddened.

"I know people tell you not to believe strangers, but I, Y/N? I am no stranger." Sirius said.

"I know." I responded.

"Please just trust me." he added.

It took me a moment, but I wanted to believe him. I wanted to believe him so so so bad; and so I did.

"Okay, I believe you." I faintly smiled at him.

He smiled at me and leant in for a hug. I hesitated for a moment before hugging him back and smiling back up at him.

"So, how come you've got a quidditch hoodie if you don't play quidditch?" Sirius grinned.

I looked at the floor and smirked, "A boyfriend."

I could see Sirius's eyebrows raise. "A boyfriend you say?"

I nodded.

"Do you mind sharing a bit more information than that?" he asked,

"I think I have a few questions to ask you first." I grinned.

Sirius looked up at the sky and chuckled, "Fair enough. Ask away."

"How'd you escape?" I blurted out.

Sirius chuckled again, "I was able to turn into a dog and slip out of the prison easily."

I nodded. "What happened, how come you got framed?"

"The actual killer staged it to make it look like it was I who has killed them. I was very close with Harry's parents you know." he answered. "I would have never done such a thing."

I looked at him. "So where are you going to go now?"

"There's a house in London that i'm taking refuge in for the time being, perhaps you'd like to visit in the upcoming spring break?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that."

Sirius used his wand to manufacture a piece of parchment and a quill, writing the address on there and handing it over to me.

"Now..." he smiled. "Tell me about this boyfriend."


After the interaction, Sirius had left once again, ensuring he turned himself into a dog so he wouldn't get bothered by dementors or guards. Despite my eventful morning, I still had to attend my lessons as normal. I hasn't made any plans on how I was going to tell Draco about my dad coming back to Hogwarts, but if he was being supportive about it earlier, surely he would remain up supportive now that i've met him now, right?

I walked into potions, one of my least favourite classes as all 3 boys were in that lesson which not only made it my least favourite, but also the most akward.

I took my usual designated seat beside Mattheo, swiftly opening my book and just waiting for him to say something out of pocket.

"I'm sorry about the thing with your dad, Y/N." Matt whispered.

I turned to look at him, clearly confused. "Did you just say something... nice?"

He scoffed, "Fine, I won't ask again." he smirked, rolling his eyes.

The lesson as always dragged on, but once it was over I had a free period so I headed toward the dormitories and sent a message to both Pansy and Draco, asking if I could meet them in my room. Looking back at it, Draco probably thought I was trying to hook up with him.

I paced back and forth in my room, I don't know why I was so deathly afraid to tell them about my dad; after all.. they'd definitely done worse.

I watched as Pansy swung open the door, "Oh my god Y/N. I got here as fast as I could. Are you okay?" she said, running over and embracing with me.

"Yeah i'm fine, we just need to wait for Draco." I nodded, smiling at her.

Draco opened the door, "Y/N if you wanted to hook up all you had to do was ask in pers-" he stopped when he saw Pansy stood with me.

I laughed and watched as he cleared his throat and walked over to me.

"What's going on, why'd you call us here?" Draco asked.

"Okay so this morning I went to a private spot by the lake to get some fresh air, and I came across a black dog-"

"Oh my god Y/N please don't tell me you adopted it." Draco said, frantically looking round the dorm.

I laughed, "No! I didn't don't worry."

"Thank god." Draco said, putting his hands in his pocket. "Hate the bloody things."

"Anyway, but this dog was a shapeshifter the way Mcgonogall is." I added.

Pansy and Draco both looked at me.

"It shape shifted into my dad, Sirius Black." I gulped.

I watched as both their expressions changed, their faces turning from faint smiles to stern looks.

"What did you say to him?" Pansy asked.

I caught them up on our conversation, how he was supposedly innocent, and how I planned to spend spring break with him rather than at the Malfoys.

Malfoy looked slightly disappointed that I wouldn't be spending break with him, which I understood as it meant we'd be spending time apart from eachother.

"Y/N, i'm happy for you." Pansy smiled.

"We just want to make sure you're safe though. Please write to us over the break so we know you're okay." Draco said softly.

"Malfoy gone soft, hey?" I asked, getting closer to him and playing with his rings.

"Get a room!" Pansy spat and jokingly gagging before walking out.

"Gladly." Draco whispered into my ear before placing his hand on my hip and kissing me.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄  | Mattheo RiddleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu