Right person, wrong time.

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After the champion selection, the only subject the school has talked about is Harry and how he "cheated" his way into the tournament. I couldn't take my mind off of him, everywhere I went I saw his face as the entirety of the school were wearing badges with his face plastered on it with the words, 'Potter Stinks' written on it. I honestly felt bad for him, I seriously don't think he put his name on there, I knew he wasn't that stupid.

Due to the fact that I couldn't take my mind off of him, I came to the conclusion that I should probably talk to him. I treated him like utter crap and honestly I was being too bitchy to admit it because I was so caught up with my love for Draco. But after seeing Draco cheat on me, I realized how much it must of hurt Harry to see me move on from him so quickly.

I carefully made my way up the winding stairs, I didn't come up here often as none of my classes were located in the area; it was mainly just the Gryffindor common room. Once I made it to the top of the stairs and was met with the sight of a funny looking lady, I cleared my throat and said,

"Fortuna Major."

The painting looked me up and down.

"Your not a Gryffindor... I can see your tie." It spoke.

"I'm just borrowing the tie from a friend." I lied.

"If you say so..." The painting responded, swinging the door open and giving me complete access to the Gryffindor common room.

"Too easy." I mumbled under my breath, quiet enough so nobody would hear.

I hurriedly walked upstairs into Harry's dorm. I knew this was going to be extremely awkward but I couldn't deal with the guilt on my conscience and the feeling I got when I was around him, knowing he hated me.

I took a deep sigh before knocking lightly on the door, watching it open and Harry look down at the floor upon realising it was me.

"What do you want." Harry sighed. He was wearing a fairly plain black hoodie with baggy jeans along with some matching black converse shoes. Despite him living in a cupboard for 11 years, I must admit.. he's caught up with fashion trends pretty quick.

"Im here to apologise." I smiled.


"I genuinely am so incredibly sorry Harry. When we were together.. I treated you like utter shit." I said, not being able to keep eye contact, "At the time, I had feelings for other people and my mind was just clouded with confusion and I dealt with it entirely wrong." I added, looking back up at him.

Harry looked surprised at my apology.

"I've realised how big of an asshole I was to use you the way I did, and I want you to know that our relationship did mean something to me, it wasn't just some stupid fling. You were the right person, just at the wrong time." I smiled.

"I don't know what to say." Harry smiled, scratching the back of his neck, "I seriously appreciate the apology."

"I don't think it would be a good idea for us to get back together, but I'm happy to stay friends the way we were before all of this happened." I said, playing with my rings out of pure anxiety of his next response.

"Yeah, I thought the same." He said, looking at the floor again, "Aren't you uh- dating Mattheo?"

I gulped. We hadn't publicly told anyone yet, obviously me and Mattheo are fake dating but nobody knew that.

"Yeah. Don't worry though, he has no relationship with his dad nor does he have any communication with him, if I found otherwise, Id end it immediately. I want you to know i'm sure of that."

Harry nodded. "I appreciate it."

"So what do you say? Friends?" I smiled.

"Yeah. Friends." Harry beamed.

"Oh and also, good luck on the tournament. I know you didn't put your name in there because I know your not that stupid, but I'm still going to wish you luck."

"I think your the only person at the moment who believes me." He laughed nervously.

"Sorry to hear that." I nodded, "I have to go though, please keep me updated if you need any help with the tournament at all, I'm here if you need me." I smiled warmly before waving and scurrying away, hiding my face from the other people around me in hopes I don't get caught coming out of Harrys dorm for the second time, except nothing happened this time...


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄  | Mattheo RiddleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora