Making the bed

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Thankfully there was no sight of Draco for the past 3 hours, 3 hours of freedom.

My only worry here was that I intended to go home with Draco at the end of the term as I obviously didn't have any family to go to; I would often spend christmas, spring, and summer with the Malfoys which I didn't mind since they were LOADED.

But if Draco was mad at me, I couldn't go back home with him which would mean I would be completely and utterly alone, more alone than I already was...

I closed my potions book, laying in bed completely puzzled on what to do next, with Harry, Draco and Mattheo, I'd really fucked myself up this time. (Literally.)

But it was me who was making the bed, it was my mess and now I had to sort it out; one way or another.

Suddenly the door abruptly swung open, making me jump.

"WHAT THE FUCK." I yelled.

Draco stood at the door. Breathing heavily and staring at me.

"Can I fucking help you?" I snarled, holding my heart purely out of being startled.

Draco walked closer and closer to me, his eyes not leaving mine.

I laughed, backing up slowly.

"So you think this shits funny huh?" Draco sneered, leaning against the bed frame.

"What is?" I said, doe eyed, folding my arms.

"Don't play fucking dumb.. Y/N." Draco whispered, still inching closer and closer towards me.

I rolled my eyes.

"You fucked my worst enemy and you expect me to just not say anything?" He said, shaking his head.

"You beat up my best friend and then expected me to date you." I responded.

"This is different." Draco gulped.

"How so?" I shot back.

"Because I didn't fuck Mattheo. You on the other hand fucked Harry Potter." He could barely say Harry's name without his fists clenching. "I may of fucked Mattheo up, but I didn't actually fuck him unlike you." Draco added.

"I genially don't understand how me hooking up with Harry is any of your business, you don't see me acting like this when you bring girls into our dorm." I argued with a smirk creeping across my face.

Draco sighed. "Because I don't love them the way I love you."

I've never heard silence quite this loud.

"Draco-" I went to speak.

"I know. I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry." Draco gulped, looking down at the floor.

I didn't know what to say. Draco had never expressed genuine emotion infront of me before. He was the type of guy to play hard but was authentically soft on the inside if you got to the right side of him.

"Maybe it's best if we stay friends." Draco said, attempting to smile.

As much as it killed me to say it. I responded with, "I think you're right."

Draco nodded, biting the inside of his cheek. He begin to walk out the dorm before holding the door, stopping to look back.

"Oh and by the way, there's a party later tonight in our common room downstairs. Just thought i'd let you know." He added.

"Got it. Thanks Draco." I smiled.

"Did you just call me by my first name?" He grinned, turning around.

I nodded and smiled. "We're friends aren't we? That's what friends do." 

"Right. Friends..." Draco nodded.

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