The Champion Selection

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I took it in consideration for a slight moment. It didn't sound like a terrible idea...
As much as Mattheo irritated the shit out of me, he also irritates Draco.
"What's in it for you?" I smirked, "It's not like you gain anything from this."

"I hate Draco. It would amuse me just as much as it amuses you to see him pissed off."

I shrug my shoulders, "Fair. But you still piss me off, so this won't change anything."

"So your agreeing?" Mattheo laughed, a grin creeping across his face.

"Yes. Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes and cheering as Slytherin scored a goal. "But we are NOT doing this for a long time, only until Draco gets genuinely angry, then it's over."

"Sounds like a plan." Mattheo smiled.


Me and Mattheo strut into the great hall, eager to hear who had been chosen to partake in the Triwizard Tournament. Everyone was chattering amongst themselves and hurriedly running to their seats. Personally this Tournament meant very little to me but all the other students seemed to be utterly obsessed with it.

The murmurs slowly began to die down as everyone excitedly awaited to hear Dumbledores next words.

"Now the moment, you've all be waiting for....the champion selection!" Dumbledore yelled, audible enough for everyone in the room to hear.
He slowly scanned his wand round the hall, dimming the candles on the stone walls and gliding his way up to the goblet, watching carefully as a piece of paper feathered it's way out the cup and landed in his hands.

"The Durmstrang champion is...VICTOR KRUM!"
Everyone broke out into cheers as his friends patted him on the back and all eyes fell on Victor as he walked towards the front of the hall, taking the paper out of Dumbledores hands.

Dumbledore turned around once again to the cup after shaking Victors hand. And another parchment fell out of the goblet, making Dumbledore firmly grasp it into his hand.
"The champion of Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" he beamed, everyone broke out into cheers once again.

The room echoed with silence as everyone eagerly sat on the edge of their seats, awaiting to hear the final name be called.
Dumbledore intriguingly walked slowly towards the goblet and picked out the final name.

"The Hogwarts champion...Cedric Diggory!"

The hall roared with cheers, I rapidly jumped from my seat and excitedly clapped and smiled as Cedric strutted up to the front to receive the paper back.
I didn't know whether to feel excited or nervous for him. People have quite literally died in this tournament but I knew that Cedric is an extraordinary wizard so I trust him to do well. I lowered myself once again into my seat and looked around as everyone's clapping slowed and stopped.

Dumbledore widens his arms, "Excellent! We now have our three champions... But in the end only one will go down in history." He smiles, putting his hands together.
"Only one will hoist this chalice of champions... this vessel of victory..." He abruptly spun round and directly pointed in the opposing direction.
"The Triwizard Cup!"
Everyone cheered once more but their cheers were silenced by the sound of the wincing goblet, it's flames moving side to side and loudly whistling.
Dumbledore walked towards it, his eyes darkened with fear. The once blue flames morphed into red, filling the room with immense heat and all eyes watched as a final name flew its way out of the goblet.
Dumbledore caught the name, his face overflowed with confusion as he looked down at the piece of parchment, he then mumbled something inaudible before yelling,
"Harry Potter!"
I looked over at the Gryffindor table, Harry lowered himself into his seat, hoping to not be noticed.
"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore screamed. Hermione pushed Harry up towards the front.

The room became tranquil, noiseless. The only sound that could be heard were the distant sound of Harry's footsteps on the tile floor. He made his way to the front, worriedly watching as everyone's eyes followed him across the room in perfect sync.

Did Harry put his name in the goblet? How? Harry's only 15 and you had to 17 to enter.

The hall began to break out into short chatters before people started heckling.
"He's a cheat!"
"He's not even seventeen yet!"

I knew Harry didn't always make the smartest decisions, but I also knew he wasn't stupid enough to put his name in the Goblet of fire, even though me and him didn't end on good terms, I still felt sympathy for him. Surely they wouldn't let him compete, not at his age... right?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄  | Mattheo RiddleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant