Second Chance

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Evening sun seeped into the Silo, the massive door singing a shrill song. Horizon at her back, Eretria looked on in confusion.

Packaged and taped boxes littered the floor. TV's taken down, furniture gone, rugs and carpets gone, decorations stored away.

A barren husk, gutted of human influence. Just an old bunker, dark and lonely.

However, a single dim light illuminated some of the bar and kitchen. Underneath it, the Titan stood, packing the last items left. She was devoid of armor, humming a gentle melody.

Eretria: "What's going on?" She asked, slowly approaching the countertop.

Dawes: "Moving," she answered back, still turned.

No Scout in sight.

Eretria: "Where's Belle?"

Dawes: "He wanted a quiet departure."

She taped the box and set it down on the countertop. There was a solemnness to her eyes, but she smiled warmly, like a mother proud of her child.

Dawes: "I'm glad you came to visit. I wanted to say goodbye."

Eretria: "I thought you hated goodbye's."

Dawes: "I've realized they are a part of life. We say goodbye to a lot, we just may never notice it."

Eretria: "Where are you going to go?"

She shrugged, looking off in the distance.

Dawes: "Somewhere," she smiled.

A gentle breeze rolled off the verdant plains, whisking through the flower fields. It was cool, a perfect temperature.

Dawes continued humming. Her voice was beautiful, angelic. A stark contrast to the nasty scars that covered her bare arms.

Dawes: "Drink?" She asked, selecting the last bottle on the shelf.

A champagne. An Italian name, amethyst bottle, the sun hitting it perfectly, making it shine. A golden liquid inside, bubbles flourishing.

Only now did she realize how parched she was.

Eretria: "No..." she said softly, "No, I'm fine."

Dawes: "Very well," she said, placing the bottle next to her.

Eretria tried to keep the bottle from her sight. Tried.

Dawes: "I'm happy for you. I really am. Asher has already started to move on. I hope you can follow his direction."

Eretria: "I don't know... we're similar in a number of ways, but... I think this is where we differ."

Dawes: "Maybe. But I believe you compliment each other in this regard. He can show you how to heal, and you can show him that it's unfair to apply Earth's mindset to a new world. I have no doubt you'll succeed."

She placed her hand on Eretria's shoulder, shook her gently, and walked to the exit. A comfort vacant on her shoulder, yet present and ghostly in her mind.

Dawes: "Just my two cents, but..." she paused next to the door, hand massaging the old metal. "I think it's time you dedicate yourself to a cause again."

The hesitation in Eretria's hesitation was clear to the Titan.

Dawes: "Think on it."

She smiled, patted the door and walked off into the green plains.

Eretria's face contorted into a hard grimace, watching her go. She closed her eyes and let out a breath to steady herself, but it was shaky at best.

Biting her tongue, she uncapped the bottle and drank.

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