Daemonophobia, the Fear of Self

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?: "-And when the sky darkens we must repent! Repent, for our salvation has arrived! Prophets, saints, sinners, believers, and skeptics shall come to know and love our new divinity, like kin. That... that will be Remnant's final starry night. Then, we will have no need for the dark in heaven."

Asher eavesdropped from the roof of an art gallery building.

This man, cloaked in similar ritual garb as the other three, wasn't speaking directly to the witnesses passing by, but to the sky.

Perhaps he could see the Hunter's outline against the galactic landscape.

?: "Brothers, sisters, family and friends... a storm of godly proportions is soon for this world. I count the days. Have faith."

After that, he bowed his head and remain in solitude. Asher grew suspicious, scanning the man.

He wasn't armed. In fact, he carried nothing besides the clothes on his back.

A flash of lightning blinked over the distant mountains, followed by an echoing rumble.

Despite wanting to remove the blabbering idiot from the city permanently, there was zero reason, other than he didn't like what he was hearing. That's another legal battle waiting to happen.

He re-examined that line of thinking, frowning when he quickly compared it to a deceitful matriarch.

Thus, he moved on.

Rooftop to rooftop, none saw. Each leap and landing was soft, precise, but mixed with a temptation of great power.

An overbearing shield of brick blocked his view of Downtown. There were metal stairs leading up.

He decided to double-jump. A casual feat, he reached the edge and simply began walking.

Vacuo presented all of its shiniest attractions.

A flash of lightning, rumble of thunder. Closer this time.

Scaling the metal forest didn't take long. Asher found himself purposefully taking detours and finding odd spots to practice his agility on.

Of course, this was finite. Eventually, he was before the Office, regarding it with a silent glare. He jumped down to the streets.

Pedestrians gasped and jumped.

Although, he hadn't moved.

He turned to look over his shoulder.

A small boy was gazing in transfixed awe, mouth hung on loose hinges, and ice cream hovering inches from his face.

The boy never relinquished his stare, even when his dessert fell on the ground.

Asher followed the treat's trajectory, then glanced back at the boy.

?: "Are you a superhero or something?" His voice was high-pitched, laced with the ignorance of youth and childish dreams galore.

The Hunter continued to stare, though he chuckled.

Asher: "Nah, lad, I'm just... just someone trying to live peacefully. Here. For your loss."

Bringing a golden coin out of a satchel, he flicked it in the air. The child caught it. His eyes lit up like the sun.

?: "A 50 lien coin? Where did you get this?"

Asher: "A man paid me for saving someone in the desert."

?: "That sounds like something a superhero would do."

Asher: "Sure, kid," he said.

?: "Asher!"

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