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His finger flexed on the trigger, daring the bullet to undertake a fatal escapade. The black and red cannon which instilled fear far and wide, slightly trembled with uncertainty. A shaking almost completely invisible to the human eye.

Thankfully, it weren't his eyes that were focusing on the storied pistol. Rather, older eyes, ones that had seen much more, experienced much more. Dulled from years of horror.

"I could kill you right now."

Belle: "You could." The elder responded with a burdened softness.

"What makes you think I won't?"

Belle: "You want answers."

"Would be nice to know before I blow your bloody brains out." The Hunter snarled in anger as he slowly lost his temper.

A calm breeze ruffled the grass and daisies around them. The world paid no mind to the confrontation. Like a passerby watching someone get robbed on the street.

The old criminal with crease lines exposing his age and grey hair, watched the young man curse him with rage.

Belle: "You got every right to kill me, you do... but you oughta thank me, son."

"For destroying my only source of income, or killing all of my friends?"

Belle: "For givin' y'all freedom."

"We had that." He seethed through clenched teeth.

Belle knew he wouldn't outrun him and he knew Asher would be the first one here. The old man understood how the Hunter's brain worked, the decisions he made, why and who he made them for.

Belle: "You call runnin' from the law everyday freedom? Or the fact that you always came back to us."

"NO! There is no us... you-you bloody mole!"

Belle: "So I am."

He accepted his sin like a true Christian man. Belle preached his sermon that the gang was running into the ground, but nobody listened and Asher was outspoken in his disagreement.

"We were free to do what we wanted."

Belle: "Except live in the safety of the city, stay in one place for too long, or have loved ones."

Solar Horns glowed fiery red at the implication. Hand over the gun becoming firm.

Belle: "Livin' in fear, confusion and doubt. Dawes hangin' false promises above our heads. We weren't free... we were slaves allowed to think we were free."

"And I suppose being an informant is freedom!? You're fucking delusional, mate."

Belle: "I wasn't the one who thought he could keep his family in the dark."

No reaction, no twitch, nothing. Anger so prevalent that Asher couldn't even move.

Belle: "Were they free?"

A pair of cardinals swooped down from a tree and chirped joyfully.

"I'm not thanking you."

Belle: "That's your decision. But in time you'll understand that I just gave you a choice."

"A choice... a choice? I can choose between the noose or the chair and those are my only options. Thanks to you I don't have a choice."

Belle: "You had one with the Devils? All of us, all wanted criminals seekin' some glory or fame. There ain't no such thing in that business. No honor among thieves. Now you got the choice to step away from it."

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