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So this is going to be the re-written version of The Line is so Very Thin. I kinda got side tracked with that story and I wanted to re-do it and all in all, just make it a better version of what I wrote. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this!













...Peace and tranquility... can't afford enough of it these days.

But someone was gracious enough to break me out. Must've had one hell of a time getting past encryption. I took to meandering about, peeking into the mundane tasks of the prison. A prize remained; my prize specifically. Got a trusty map in my head to aid me in a daring escape. It'll be dramatic, cinematic and done in less than an hour.

12 is lunch time.

For being a holding pen of confiscated weapons, the armory was only guarded by a measely garrison of five frames. I even raised my objection while they were hauling my ass to a cell. The warden doesn't take criticism too well. He's a very... hmm... insecure man.

It was freeing, like stretching your back after a long day of back-breaking work. Using the Light and Stasis made me feel as if I had resurfaced above the waves of the ticking clock.

The Vanguard already killed my ghost so my only option is to escape. The only problem with that plan is all the exits are blocked, and I'm being swarmed by frames, and militia fighters. I was being pinned down in the armory by all manner of gunfire. It's only a matter of time before one of these numbskulls grows a brain, and throws a grenade at me. I feel like they should've realized that they couldn't out gun an outlaw like myself. One by one I shot them down with my cannons, and two by two they entered into the compound.

Eventually I see the first guardian run in with an incendiary grenade in his hands. Figures a Titan would be all gung-ho, and run in with a grenade. I was about to shoot him, but he popped a titan shield in front of himself.


He tossed the grenade over the barricade. I would shoot it out of the sky, but then he would be ready with another, and there's already enough suppressive fire on me so I wouldn't be taking any chances. I threw down a Glacier grenade which put up a wall of ice in front of me, and I bolted. I threw a smoke bomb at my feet, and camouflaged myself as I heard the ice break due to the gunfire and incendiary grenade.

There was a lot of confused screaming and yelling. I believe the Titan was the one yelling "He's going through the guard hall!" A bullet hit the wall next to me as I rounded the corner. An advantage the Hunter's have over the other two classes is speed. It's impossible to catch any Hunter in a footrace, and luckily I was faster than most Hunters. I was speeding through the hallways, vaulting over tables and chairs. I stopped behind a wall, and heard loud footsteps coming from the other side of the hallway next to me.

I prepped a misdirection bomb and planted it onto the wall next to me. Again, I cloaked myself and ran. I was now heading through the back area of the prison. Unfortunately, I didn't know this area very well and I got myself stuck in a dead end. I could hear shouting behind me and it sounded like they were closing. I double jumped on top of a crate and aimed towards the door I came through.

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