Blinding Lights

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?: "A hunter and his prey..."

The beast sneers in mockery.

?: "How shameful of prey you are. A lowly challenge demands blood!"

The cuff of his titanium boots demolishes the bones beneath. A sickening crunch echoes through the starlight.

?: "Light unbridled, HAH... you are nothing more than a sheep in lion's clothing."

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Jaune: "... and then you just follow through."

"I know how to throw!"

Well, maybe not very well versed in spear throwing. However, I learn fast.

Jaune: "I know I'm just messing around. It's just you haven't actually... you know... caught one yet."

"That's irrelevant. You cannot rush a beginner."

I waved the blonde dunce off and focused my gaze on the ocean. I have to prove Jaune wrong. My competitive nature wouldn't let me surrender my pride.

I can see it now... I stand victorious with my arms raised. In one hand: the wooden spear. In the other: a gleaming, golden fish. Then, the shocked look from Jaune as he applauded my aptitude.

"There's one!" I flailed around and pointed constantly at the swimming object in front of me.

Jaune: "Just remember to breathe and track it with your other arm."

"I know, I know." I said impatiently.

I see it, the squirming target. It absent-mindedly swam back and forth, enjoying the freedom of the aquatic world.

"I've got you now." I mumbled.

Wind back, plant your feet, and... RELEASE!

The splash of the water clouded the impact of the spear. I swung back and forth to see if I hit my mark.

Jaune: "Miss number 52, maybe next time Weiss."

"No, I've been robbed!"

I sped off towards the fish in a last-ditch attempt to catch it. At this point I didn't even care about how I got it, I just wanted to catch something.

Jaune: "What are you doing?"

"Catching the fish!"

I splashed around in the water trying to nab the slippery demon. It always swam away as soon as I thought I grabbed it.

Jaune: "You're not going to catch it."

"I will, I shall!"

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