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(To please the masses I have written sex. You're welcome.)

"And then wait now you see me..."

The Australian rogue vanished into a brilliant mist of fluorescent particles, his body camouflaging to the stark white of the office.

"...Now you don't."

"Oh no, I wonder, wherever could you be?"

The Atlas specialist spoke in a sarcastic manner as to initiate a challenge. She let a small smirk slide smugly across her features hoping to kick start the Hunter's inflated ego.

"I could be here, there, maybe in that lamp. Bloody hell I could be anywhere."

"You're a lamp?" She asked with mock enthusiasm.

"Well, I am the light of your life snowflake."

Two emotions charged through her body in hopes they would be exposed first. The Schnee groaned, but managed a small chuckle in exchange.

"I knew your heart wasn't frozen solid. Maybe you'd grace me with a compliment ey? A favor for a favor mate." It was mostly satire, but his voice betrayed a childish hope.

"Yeah..." She scoffed in amusement.

The guardian reappeared, assisted by the shattering glass like sound of the invis. He stood before her with his arms crossed and foot tapping the floor impatiently.

"...Maybe when hell freezes over."

The Hunter flipped his hand oved and held out a sphere of crystals that ebbed and flowed. It was a smooth simulation of motion that captivated her every time.

"If that's what it takes."

The arrogant trickster witheld his hubristic sentiment. An unnatural determination flared within him. The feeling of her heart tumbling inside her rib-cage was a feeling Winter wasn't used to.

"If that's what it takes..." He repeated with a chortle.

"If that's what it takes."

"If that's what it takes."

If that's what it takes...

* * * * *


The sun was up bright and early today like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that... and the day before that. Five minutes felt like an hour. A simple 30 seconds was more than enough for a mental breakdown or existential crisis.

There's been too many of those already.

The heat of the daytime used to be unbearable, but now I ignore it absent-mindedly. It's not that I haven't gotten used to it, I never will, but I just don't care enough to acknowledge my discomfort.

Everything about this place is wrong. The days are long and the nights short, strange flora and fauna litter its grounds, and I find myself opening up old wounds. Past family memories and the trauma that was the fall of Beacon. All things I had accepted and moved on from. The feelings of guilt, sadness, helplessness, rage; they were amplified.

Everyone was miserable. Even the hyper, bundle of joy that is Ruby Rose seems to be caged by melancholy. Until now, I never realized how much I rely on her optimistic outlook. It serves to even out my... somewhat gloomy views.

White like Snow | Destiny X RWBYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora