Survivor - Roger McGough

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I am a hypocrite.

I claim that no lie or distraction keeps me occupied while surrounded by the deafening roar of silence.

Which I have proven to be objectively false.

A heap of raging shit, really.

Despite my best efforts, the situation only got worse.

My first try, I broke through the first layer, so I naturally tried again.

Wrong move, turns out.

More rock tumbled down, nearly crushing me.

After the 15th attempt, I sat and stared.

But... at the same time... is it so hypocritical?

All the prison cells and years of isolation. Do I have to judge myself so harshly?

In this pitch-black cave where I stay alone, memories, like movies, keep me...




Fortunately, I don't feel too guilty over it.

Newly Risen me would've gone legless for a chance to see some of this shit.

The things Marc knew, his incredible talent in engineering, tendency to respect authority - a deduction there, though - and rocky relationship with his family.

A mirror.

Except that's a different person wearing my face.

And he made his decisions.

This cave is bone dry, a cool air hangs.

There isn't any sounds piercing the thick legion of rock. No bombs, gunshots, nothing.

Just me.

Well... there's also the other cunt.

Asher: "No, it really is getting nicer around here, yeah?"

"Lot less snow."

For the first time, I can finally see my mind's grassy plains.

Our house has flowers around it. White, purple, red and blue. It's worn down, more so now.

Wood splintered, ripped, scorched, charred, weathered and beaten by a white hell.

But the door's still there.

At the very least, I don't have to see red-crystal ice sheets.

So... here we are... shooting the piss at this bloody table.

Asher: "Groundskeeper came by yesterday," he said, sipping his mug.

"There's a groundskeeper?"

Asher: "Bloody oath, mate. He was shoveling snow for hours. He's a little off, though."

"Why's that?"

Asher: "Dunno. Just... a bit of a bogan."

"He's doing his job, ey?"

Asher: "Sure, I suppose. It was the first time I've seen the cunt."

"Just doing his job," I shrugged, swirling the coffee cup, watching a rich, mahogany cream with an ounce of white cinnamon churn.

Wait, I just heard something.

Asher: "Cheers, but where'd he even-"

"Put a sock in it," I said quickly.

White like Snow | Destiny X RWBYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora