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Last text, 12 hours ago.

Jaune couldn't shake the dread hanging over his shoulders, wrapping its clamping claws onto him.

The fire built inside, an early and awful thought burrowing inside his brain.

Parasite. A parasite.

His left hand subconsciously rubbed over his right arm methodically, soothingly.

He didn't notice immediately, but a red tinge floated from his burns, like a ghost exiting his body.

The possibilities, he studied them.

So many things can go wrong.

Jaune: 'I should be there. Now.'

He placed his scroll against his leg, keeping his eyes elsewhere.

Biting his lip, he shook his head.

Jaune: 'Fuck,' he mouthed the word

A soft, icy palm blanketed his right arm.

The Knight deliberated, ultimately failing to meet the worried sapphire gaze he knew she was giving him.

Instead, he fit his hand inside hers, clutching tight.

Chase tapped his foot steadily against the hard wood of the hotel floor. His eyes darted every which way, at every passing individual.

?: "Here's your card, sir. We hope you enjoyed your stay," a woman said with a hollow, joyful smile.

Chase: "'Preciate it."

RWBY, Jaune, and Eretria waited close to the lobby doors.

The detective marched to the exit swiftly.

Chase: "Let's get the fuck out of here," he whispered to them.

The group filed behind the hasty contractor, who slowed once he was on the Strip's sidewalk.

Ruby: "Somebody clearly doesn't like room service."

Chase: "Oh, yeah, the worst," he chuckled, rolling his shoulders and returning to a lax posture.

Eretria, however, her posture was still tight, guarded. Her right hand stayed close to Sydney's holster.

Idiots left and right, clamoring about, talking about world events and casino prize pools.

Above her, a projection fluttered to life, looming above the Strip to rival Vacuo's neon towers.

In cold, grey, dreary lighting - similar to today - a woman slaved away. Filing taxes, cooking, cleaning, dealing with bitchy kids, etc.

She was absolutely miserable.

Large, gold-purple letters blocked out the scene.

'Normality is the death of adventure,' it read, 'Don't be normal, unleash your inner demon. Live like a King, at the Throne.'

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