Red Wave Sharks

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Forest, dead forest. Burned to a crisp. Ends of branches bearing leaves torched to barren barbs. Grass, dead grass. Wilted, withered, once green wonder, waves of wild waste.

A permanent grey filter over the sky and earth.

No animals, no life.

Roads, multiple roads, all sprawling in different directions, traveling varying lengths.

All ended abruptly. Footprints marked deep in the pallid soil.

She glanced up.

A rainy day without the rain. A storm without lightning or thunder.

Another reality existed above her, inverted and flipped. Hidden behind the dreary fog were endless amounts of buildings, comfortable, inviting.

On fire.

Bodies in the streets.

These villages were desolate and dead.

Her eyes clamped shut, an attempt to silence screams beginning to break through the barrier.

The Huntress averted her stride.

Distance covered yet, she travelled in a giant circle.

The villages came back, the forests, the screams. Cobwebs spun from tree-to-tree, forcing her to maneuver around them. However, this changed nothing. She would stumble into one ripping down another, and string together a series of vulgar phrases.

Eventually, her patience drained and a surge of Arc Light exterminated the forest.

All of it.


She breathed deeply.

In the sky hovered a white sphere.

A cage spread around it, encasing the silent god in orange solitude.

Her visage tore in two, the reflections panicking. She placed her hands on her head, shutting her eyes and her ears.

Continuing forward, she stopped, sensing a blockade.

Obstructing her path, a landfill of pianos, guitars, crowns fit for a monarch, cracked masks of devils, broken bottles of alcohol and a perfectly arrayed row of untainted wine, stretching forever in both directions.

The Huntress climbed.

Making it to the top, she carefully regarded each perfect beverage.

Her finger graced a frosty surface. Debilitating thirst tempted her urges.

?: "Lass," A voice called.

She retracted immediately, standing to her full height.

Eretria: "Ash?" She called back.

In the world beyond the barrier, an oasis shimmered seductively. Glistening paradise.

How had she not seen before? Perhaps the allure of grape wine on a dry tongue was too much.

Nonetheless, her thirst took a firm back seat.

She slid down the mountain, bottles following her.

Nature slowly morphed into natural colors, though it remained a dark shade. A quaint river stream with no origin. A waterfall roared yet, there clearly was no waterfall.

She dipped her finger in, discovering that it chilled her to the bone.

Cupping her hands, she reveled in the feeling of icy liquid running down her throat.

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