Risky Business

121 6 3

Video Logs


1. Austin, Texas (May 20, 3705)
2. Sierra Vista, Arizona (July 4, 3705)
3. Oulu, Finland (December 12, 3707)
4. Dynamo Approach, Mars (April 3, 3707
5. Alton Dynamo, Mars (April 5, 3707)
6. The Cosmodrome, Russia (October 19, 3709)

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Out of all my subjects, out of all the volunteers; you were the only survivor. Fitting that you would be the most damaged out of all of them.

- Ungratefully, the genius Clovis Bray I.

Beware of foreign attempts at intrusion

Invader attempts: 64

Odds of success: 0.02%

I would also like to remind you of your importance. Try and stay out of the hands of the enemy.

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