2.In trouble again!

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We are in some serious troubles! Like always...But this time is worse!

Teddy Jones's parents are really angry because Teddy is in a low rated class,12C when he is supposed to be in the highest, 12A. Principal Nova is mad and the whole school's system is a mess.

And Lucy looks like she is going to murder us.

"I told you this is a bad idea.'' Andy whispers at me.
''Shut up, you were really happy when we changed the names'' I whisper back.
"Well, I-"

"Andy Astor and Olivia Meyer. To the principal office. Now'' the school's speaker called.

''Merde!'' Me and Andy speak at the same time.

"Good job, idiots." Lucy said.
I rolled my eyes at her irony and walked towards the principal's office.

"Mom!" me and Andy said at the same time.

My mom and Andy's mom were sitting at the principal's office.
Double shit.

"What are you doing here?" I ask my mom.
"Well, hello to you too, your highness." my mom says with a glare.

If she is calling me 'your highness' then I really am in trouble.

"Olivia, Andy, we would like to speak to you two" principal Nova says.

"About what?" Andy asks.
"About you two ruining the school system." aunt Michelle, Andy's mother says.

"Quoi? We didn't do that.'' Andy says.

"Sure, you did. You were the only ones who came to my office." principal Nova says in a calm tone.

I hate her calm tone, it gets in my nerves. I can see it that she is really angry and yet she talks in a calm tone.

"Well, that doesn't mean-" I started to defend myself.
"And we got the CCTV footage.'' she interrupted me with a smile. 

Oh shit, the cameras!

"How didn't we think about that?" Andy whispers. "Alright, alright, we got caught." he says raising his hands in surrender. "We admit that we did it and we are extremely sorry,principal Nova."
"Speak for yourself "I scoff.

"Olivia." mom narrows her eyes at me.
"What? I did it for Lucy, you know how she is when she is alone. She needs Andy in her class. I'll do it again in a heartbeat if it needs to. I'm not sorry at all.'' I say.

"Oh dear. You should have told me that. All of this wouldn't have happened if I had known about Lucy's issue. And the school's system wouldn't be a mess.'' principal Nova said with a pitiful smile which made my blood boil.

"Oh, come on, we all know you can fix the school's system within five minutes. You just need to create drama first.''I said and principal Nova gasped.

"Olivia." my mom yelled at me.
"What? It's true. And stop with that fake kindness of yours for Christ's sake!" I say and principal Nova gasped again.

"Liv you're making it all worse." Andy whispered.

"You're grounded miss." my mom said.

Great. Fucking great.

"Apologize" she glared at me, and I glared back.

A Meyer never apologizes.

I turn my heal to leave, but mom stops me.

"Don't you dare. Apologize now!''
"Calm down, dear.'' Aunt Michelle said.

I turn to open the door and mom calls.'' Don't you dare, Olivia.''
"Lucy doesn't have issues, principal Nova" I said and with that I left.

The betTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon